View Full Version : No First Boot
11-16-2007, 04:23 PM
I am having a huge problem. My computer which I just assembled will not turn on. When I plug it in and press the power button, nothing happens. Not even the fans or the hard drive go on. Nothing. However, a few seconds after I unplug it, a little blue light that is under the power button flashes.
Yes, the power supply is hooked up to the motherboard properly.
I think my problem may be the front pannel connectors.......I have them hooked up correctly now, but the first time I tried to turn the computer on, I think they were not hooked up correctly. Is it possible that I burned something out the first time I hit the power switch?
The Wise Monkey
11-16-2007, 05:04 PM
The front panel stuff isn't essential to the operation of the computer i.e. you can mix up the reset and the power switches and not do any damage. Are you positive they are the right way around? I've been building computers for years, and I still get the positive and negative mixed up... XD
Another possibility is the PSU being faulty, but it sounds as if there is power getting to the computer if a light comes on. What are your components?
11-16-2007, 08:03 PM
Yep, I'm pretty sure that the front panel wires are correct.
I have a 400 watt power supply, 2 gb DDR2 RAM, 320 GB hard drive (7200rpm)
MS-7255 Motherboard, 3.0ghz dual core proscessor, geforce 8500 GS 256mb video card, and, of source, CD/DVD RW drive.
So, if I replace my power supply, it might work?
The Wise Monkey
11-16-2007, 08:05 PM
The PSU might not be strong enough, thats a hefty setup your running. What GFX card have you got?
11-16-2007, 08:47 PM
I have an Nvidia 8500 GS graphics card.
But, even if the power supply was not strong enough, wouldn't there be at least a flicker? Maybe the fans would start up, or something like that......
Jamie Nixx
11-17-2007, 06:36 AM
The PSU would be strong enough to run an 8500GT, the hardly consume any power, but only if it was a fairly decent, if the fans are not spinning when you turn it on it usually indicates no power is getting to them.
Is there any way you could borrow an PSU from somebody?
11-17-2007, 01:36 PM
Well, I have some other power supplies that I could scavenge from other computers, but they are all 200-350 watts.
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