View Full Version : Software Firewall -Which One?

09-02-2007, 11:27 PM
I have used Zone Alarm's free one for about a year now. It hasn't given me too much trouble. Sometimes, it stops me from browsing. That's when I just kill the app and go on my merry way.

What software firewalls does everyone else use? Experiences?

Jamie Nixx
09-03-2007, 03:09 AM
I use zone alarm pro at the moment, i used to use active armor firewall which is fantastic but it can be jarring sometimes.

The Wise Monkey
09-03-2007, 03:24 AM
Meh, I never use firewalls - they annoy me too much. :D

I format my computer every few months anyway, so I'm not too worried about viruses. Still use Mcaffee though.

09-05-2007, 08:12 AM
i use the windows firewall as well as being behind a router

11-19-2007, 12:09 AM
I've been using Comodo. heard about it from a friend and i checked it out, i had an expired version of mcafee anyway which was annoying as hell. from rob's description of zonealarm(which i've never tried) they sound similar, only i've heard from a few of people zonealarm gave them some of troubles. anyway i'm just recently getting into computer hardware and software but it's worked well for me so far, check it out for yourself http://www.personalfirewall.comodo.com/
if you do try and find it stinks let me know so i can find something better