View Full Version : Help choosing a processor
08-23-2007, 05:39 PM
Hi I'm new here and am building my own pc for the first time. I decided to go with the MSI K9N Platinum SLI motherboard (one of the motherboards recommended on the main page). I also decided to use the AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ AM2 processor (also recommended on the main page). And so my question is if these two are compatible. I know all of the recommended components are supposed to be compatible but after researching the mother board I found a couple sources that say it doesn't work with anything beyond a Athlon 64 X2 5200+. Much thanks to anyone who can help me out.
Jamie Nixx
08-23-2007, 07:41 PM
Scrap the AMD and get an Intel core 2 duo, you would have to be insane to get an AMD at the moment.
08-24-2007, 12:14 AM
Your MSI mobo was probably finished before the 6000 cpu came out.
Here's the link:
Go here and download the latest BIOS cpu identifiers. Your mobo won't be able to recognize the cpu until you install these. It'll come up at the POST screen as unidentified cpu. During your build when you reach the section in Rob's book, install them then. Also go to the DRIVERS
section also and get the latest n-force system drivers also.
I've got the same mobo and cpu and and I'm in the middle of the build. Relax, it's going to be plenty speedy for you.
The Wise Monkey
08-24-2007, 03:13 AM
Scrap the AMD and get an Intel core 2 duo, you would have to be insane to get an AMD at the moment.
Thats a bit negative mate...
Its up to them whether they want to get an AMD or not - we can offer advice, but that is all it is. :)
Jamie Nixx
08-24-2007, 03:30 AM
Maybe a little WM :rolleyes:
But considering that the E6750 is the same price, and light years ahead, its seems silly.
Ok Darkrocker, if you want to go AMD thats your choice, i am only here to advise :D
The MSI is a very decent motherboard, but for the price it is over here in the UK there are much better alternatives such as the Asus M2N-SLi Deluxe, which has a better board layout in my opinion, plus you wouldn't have to update the bios just for the motherboard to recognise the CPU.
The Wise Monkey
08-24-2007, 03:34 AM
I know, but there is no need to be so aggresive. :P
I <3 my e6750. :D
Jamie Nixx
08-24-2007, 03:41 AM
It was late, and Call of Duty 2 online was getting on my nerves due to some french geeks :rolleyes:
The Wise Monkey
08-24-2007, 04:29 AM
Heh, its understandable, and we do say it a lot.
Jamie Nixx
08-24-2007, 05:28 AM
That we do mate.
Darkrocker it is your choice entirely, but i would suggest you do some more research into the benchmarking results of AMD vs the Core 2 duo and see for yourself.
If your still set on the AMD then go for it, either way i can advise you, all my systems were AMD up until the Core 2 duo came out.
Good luck :D
The Wise Monkey
08-24-2007, 06:21 AM
Much better. :D
08-24-2007, 02:37 PM
Well tumbleweed thanks for that explanation but after the suggestion to get a core 2 Duo and doing some research between the two im probably going to get a ASUS P5N-E SLI for my motherboard with a core 2 duo. I realized that for a little extra money (less than 50$ between the motherboard and the processor) the core 2 duo would offer better performance. I'd also like to thank everyone for helping me out and giving you opinions.
The Wise Monkey
08-24-2007, 02:51 PM
Good choice mate - enjoy. :)
Jamie Nixx
08-24-2007, 06:11 PM
Good choice mate, you won't be dissapointed :D
09-03-2007, 11:29 PM
hey jamie...
When it come to selecting an Athlon X2 the affordable cpu for me is 4400+,
however it has 2 flavors.
And if u believe in Toms' cpu charts( who doesnt?)..then, when it comes to gaming performance the 4400+ EE /Windsor/2*1MB L2 cache beats the brisbane/EE/2*512KB hands down, whch is expected since more "cache" equals more performance.
But check out the video decoding chrts such as Clone DVD/Premiere pro then the brisbane core is beating windsor..why is that such a huge gap?
Refer: 22_.28Energy_Efficient_65W.2C_G1.2C_65_nm.29
Jamie Nixx
09-04-2007, 01:43 AM
In terms of gaming the windsor may beat the Brisbane but overall the brisbane is a better core.
On the box the windsor looks better, almost double the L2 cache and when they were at their peak both cores were similar in price.
But their is a couple of major differences, the windsor is 90 nm (nanometre) and the brisbane is 65 nm.
Basically the lower the nm the better the CPU.
The brisbane is also a lot more energy efficient and it also runs a lot cooler, by as much as 8 DegC.
The benchmarks i have seen so far tell me that the brisbane only outperforms it slightly, i havent seen a major gap in performance, apart from of course when they are overclocked, when in this case the brisbane beats the windsor hands down.
09-04-2007, 03:10 AM
thanks for the reply jamie
i surfed a lot of online stores and it tells me that Windsor core for 4400+ has simply vanished...even on AMD site on the PIb link there is no sign of 2mb windsor core...
So i guess when i buy it i will hav to buy the brsibane version for 4400+( whch isnt bad anyway)...but thers one thing thats on my mind and that how do u figure out these cpus becuz when buying in a mall there is nothng written on the box itself that tells u whether ur buying a windsor or brisbane.
I guess that the model nu that goes lik ADO4400DD wher "O" stands for EE and "DD" stands for 65nm...and when its ADO4200CU, whe CU stands for that right?
Jamie Nixx
09-04-2007, 03:48 AM
The windsor core was phased out so to speak, and replaced with the newer more energy efficient brisbane.
Most if not all socket AM2 CPU's are 65 nm, but it is still possile to get the older versions because AMD were about a year late moving on to 65 nm based CPU's.
Nowadays the cores in CPU's are not named because it was very confusing as they often made the same CPU under three of four different core names i.e venice, san diego, claw hammer ect ect ect
Online is the best way to find out which core is which, take the link you gave me and look at the part codes, when you go into a shop compare the code and you will know exactly what CPU you are buying.
The brisbane cores part codes all end in in DD, whereas the windsors all end in CS, CU or CZ.
This is by no means a guide for the other types of AMD CPU though as i have seen 90 nm types end in DD and DI.
Are you building a new computer or just upgrading?
09-04-2007, 07:06 AM
Iam looking ti buy a new PC...but iam hearing stories that new cpu architectures are being released nxt probably would wait and upgrade my existing P4 hardware.
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