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View Full Version : New computer, wanting advice on what to buy for what I need

08-22-2007, 12:49 PM
Hello, I'm planning on making a new computer within the next few weeks. My main questions are about the motherboard and processor so I hope it's ok to post here, sorry if I've got the wrong forum :(

Firstly here's my current computer that I've had for a year or so. (I didn't put it together, just bought it cheap)

AMD Athlon 64 3500+
1 gig ram (made from four 256mb sticks)
Nvidia Geforce 7600gt 256mb PCI-E
Asus motherboard, probably old.

I use my computer quite alot for university and gaming, but am finding it's not up to par with current games, and gets slow if I try and run too many things at once, quite often I have programming environments up along with other programs, and my computer becomes sluggish.

I want my new computer to feel fast, and be able to handle running multiple programs at once. I want to be able to play all of the latest games (currently playing BF2142, CS:S and DOW on this computer), but I don't mind not having the best graphics card, and if I did need it I would get it at a later date, so if possible I'd prefer to keep using my 7600gt.

I don't mind how much I spend on the motherboard ram or processor but I'd prefer to get the most for my money, and not needlessly spend alot more for a small improvement (like most people! :p)

My question is: If I were to buy the parts in the next couple of weeks, what would be the best motherboard and processor? From what I've read on these forums people are suggesting to get the 'Intel Core 2 Duo E6750' with a motherboard that goes with that. Or would I be better off getting the AMD 'Athlon 64 X2 6000+ AM2' with one of the suggested motherboards on this site.

I'm happy to get a good case and fan, but would really prefer a quiet machine- I guess that's a key point.

If it's agreable I'll go with 2gigs of ram, and possibly get another 2gigs on top of that.

Thanks for your time, if any more information is needed let me know. :)


I've spent a few more hours reading these forums and other sites, especial Jamie Nixx's posts, it sounds wise to go with:
Intel Core 2 Duo E6750
Asus P5N-E SLI Motherboard

I'm from the UK, where would be some of the cheapest places to get these?

Also, which RAM would work best with the above componants? (and 2GB or 4GB?)


How does this PC look, if I were to buy that instead of make my own (if I could get it cheap)

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/INTELCORE-2-DUO-E6750-400GB-2-GB-DDR2-512MB-8500GT_W0QQitemZ250157118628QQihZ015QQcategoryZ179 QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Jamie Nixx
08-22-2007, 01:25 PM
Hi, E6750 with a Asus P5N-E SLI motherboard would sort you out nicely.

The reason you can't play the latest games it because of your CPU and Ram, the 7600GT is still a great card for gaming.

Pair what i recommended with some Corsair XMS2 memory and your comp will be a beast, hope this helps.

BTW check out the Intel vs AMD thread started yesterday, that should enlighten you a bit more.


*EDIT* Please just build your own mate, never buy a computer from evilbay, if your worried about building the comp, trust me, its easy peasy.

BTW didn't see your edit lol.

I recommend that Ram to everyone, its fairly cheap and its one of the best for gaming along with that mobo.

Here are some good websites.


Check out all of these websites for the parts i recommended and then just choose the cheapest, they all have good rep and i have brought components from everyone of them in the past.

Good luck

08-22-2007, 04:36 PM
Thanks for the help.

Does anyone know much about the 'Intel Pentium D 940' processor. My dad's bought a Compaq with that processor in, and It looks like it has high specs, but I'm not sure if it is a dual processor or not, it says something about 2x.

What's the deal with the '2x', and how good is that processor compared to the E6750?

Here's a link where they are compared..

Jamie Nixx
08-22-2007, 04:39 PM
Core 2 duo is a million times better than that, thats a poor excuse for a CPU.

Go for the E6750, you won't regret it.

08-22-2007, 07:17 PM
Unless found cheaper elsewhere this is what I'm thinking of getting (all including VAT):

From aria.co.uk:
ASUS P5N-E SLi NF650i 775 :: £59.99 (#26686)
Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66GHz (775) :: £104.95 (#27972)
Antec Nine Hundred Ultimate Gamer :: £56.95 (#25541)

From yoyotech.co.uk:
Corsair 2Gb (2X1Gb) TwinX XMS2, DDR2 PC6400 (800), 240 Pin Memory :: £75.67 (4776)

Already owned:
Nvidia Geforce 7600GT

Need to get:
Power Supply?
Some leads?

Is that all the correct stuff? What power supply would you suggest for this particular setup assuming I stick with the 7600GT?

I'm happy to spend £30-£50 more and upgrade to the E6850 or the Q6600. From what I've read (I think) games won't utilize all the cores so would the E6850 vastly outshine the Q6600 on most games at the moment? Maybe I should get the E6850 now, then in a year or so upgrade to a quad-core, as this motherboard you've suggested will happily run on a quad-core?

Jamie Nixx
08-22-2007, 08:35 PM
Stick with the E6750, that is a very decent CPU.

And btw i have that case, wise choice my friend :D

As for power supplies, i am banned from listing the good brands by the wise monkey :rolleyes:

Check my other posts for my recommendations on PSU's.

Go for at least 600w, that will power your rig nicely and in the future should you wish to run SLI or upgrade to a more powerful graphics card you will be okay. Spend the extra on a decent brand power supply, its one of the most important components.

Hope this helps :)