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View Full Version : Big Issues Installing Updates !! Please help

02-10-2013, 05:20 PM
Hello ladies and gents.
Let me start off by saying these last few days have been HELL ON EARTH.. Brace ur self

Recently I just installed a fresh copy of Windows 7. I got a new SSD hard drive and put my operating system on that. Now I am going through everything trying to update video drivers, java, Flash player, antivius and I am running into HUGHHHH issues. I have NEVER had anything go haywire on me like this before and I have run out of ideas / options.
Nothing I have installed so far has done so correctly. NOTHING... See the following:

Video Card Driver...I am sure I have installed the incorrect one as things do not look as good as they should. I go to my Newegg accout (to find the acutal video card i have) & try to log in (IT WONT LET ME LOG IN!!!) something with my webbrowser is so freaking hardcore that I can not do ANYTHING.
So I try to do the "Auto Detect" Feature... It requires Java... OH SNAPS! Guess what?! JAVA DOES NOT INSTALL CORRECTLY!!! Every time i go back to this page it tells me i need to update my Java but it WONT
Microsoft essentials... Won't update so I uninstalled and installed Free version of:
Avast.. Avast WONT UPDATE (jesus really?)

Additionally, EVERY website I go to I get this, "There is a problem with this website's security certificate."

At this point im ready to walk outside and off the 1st person I see lol COMPUTER NERD RAGE!!!!!!!!! lmao for the love of god can someone help my poor soul

02-10-2013, 05:45 PM
Hey treavorbell,

You are not allowed to have these kind of problems ! ! ! !

First, I would call Microsoft and ask their advice but I would also ask them if it would not be best to put the system back like it was and see if everything works ok. You could change out the SSD on the assumption there is something wrong with it

Irregardless, I would think the first order of business is to get 'the build' working first with the old system and then proceed from that point.

If you have a brand new copy of Win 7 on a previously unused disk, I would send that one back and ask for a 'fresh new one'.

Microsoft Tech Support knows there OS software better than any of us; you should talk to them first.
I assume Ricky Tick will see this; perhaps, he would recommend something different.

My comments are what I would do!! I would get the old system running again, and, then write down the steps to go thru to install the SSD. Do it slowly and carefully. But again, I would refer you to Microsoft first.

02-10-2013, 05:55 PM
SO you think is has nothing to do with my firewall settings or broswer settings? I have never seen my broswer so FREAKED OUT by anything and everything I do. EVERYPAGE says, "Internet Explorer blocked this webpage from displaying content with security certificate errors".

02-10-2013, 06:34 PM
OK, I got it now I believe. "crossing fingers". You will NEVER guess what was throwing off everything... The freakin TIME. It was showing as 2014 ! ugh.. Windows could not find updates for some error: "WindowsUpdate_80072F8F" "WindowsUpdate_dt000"
I googled that and almost everyone was saying chech the time, check the time... I looked.. time said 2014!
Sometimes I hate myself for being so bone headed. Thanks for quick reply anyways Zburns!

02-10-2013, 07:30 PM
Do you mean 'time' or 'year'? Just curious!

I have done a lot of troubleshooting electrical and mechanical items over some years now. It is generally the case that solutions are simple and easy to find provided you are familiar with the landscape. It is much better to have a 'simple' solution than a complex one which may have lots of 'iterations'. If the problem is obvious and simple, you can maintain your confidence that the computer is 'A OK' !!

Don't ever feel bad about asking for help!!

02-10-2013, 08:48 PM
Is everything okay now? This sounds so much like malware. Let me know if you need help.

02-12-2013, 01:44 PM
Is everything okay now? This sounds so much like malware. Let me know if you need help.

To be honest I am not sure. I was able to update windows from what I see but I still can not update my Java correctly.

On a side note, The reason I was changing out the hard drive was because about 2 weeks ago someone had hacked my email account and was sending emails out to everyone that had contact with me with some type of link.

Is there some type of free malware check I can download to get this taken care of?

And Zburns It was the YEAR not time. It was showing as being 2014.

02-12-2013, 01:52 PM
A friend of mine suggested MalwareBytes, Spybot and Avast. I have the Free version of Avast but would this be good enough to detect anything? When I get home I will be downloading Spybot and MalwareBytes.

02-12-2013, 02:21 PM
Spybot is free. I have used MalwareBytes for years, presumably with great success -- meaning never any problem I would label as mildly serious, much less bad.

02-12-2013, 06:43 PM
Malwarebytes is by far the best, and its free. Load it up and run a scan. Sounds like you need it.