View Full Version : Budget Build - Questions?
10-15-2012, 05:28 PM
I saw the closed thread on the budget build and was wondering how accurate those edits still are. I have built a very nice system through this website in 2009, but am looking to build an inexpensive computer for my wife and daughters to do Facebook, Ebay, and some picture editing. I have am Antec Sonata III case, and a SATA LG optical drive. I have two Dell computers (about 5 yrs old, B110 and another) that I'd like to scavage the HD (160 and 240 GB) from to use if possible. Would the MB and CPU in the budget build still be the best choice for my needs?
10-15-2012, 05:50 PM
I try to update the builds every quarter.
The i3-2120 and the H77 are still the best combination for price/performance, and should work nice in that Sonata III case. The hard drives should also work as long as they are SATA drives. They're kind of small, but still should work.
10-15-2012, 09:37 PM
Thanks RickyTick,
I have found the following locally, are the components compatible?
MB Gigabyte GA Z77-DS3H
Intel i3 3220 3.3Ghz
Ballistic Sport DDR3-1600
How do I tell if the old HDs are SATA?
10-16-2012, 04:49 PM
How do I tell if the old HDs are SATA?
The drives are either Sata or Pata. The cable connections will be different. Here is a url for the Sata Connections:'cable+connections&rlz=1C1PRFB_enUS475US494&aq=f&oq=Sata+hard+drive+'cable+connections&sugexp=chrome,mod=0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Here is a url for Pata connections:,mod=0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Using the url for Sata, look at the connectors/cables at the top of the page, five pictures, click on either the first or second pic. The flat RED cable will measure 9/16" in width, 7 pins inside the plug. The other cable (for the Sata Drive) is the power cable but the connector plug is an 'enlarged version' of the plug on the end of the red cable. This larger version plug measures 15/16" wide.
Both plugs, the 9/16" wide red cable plug and the 15/16" wide power plug both fit into 'narrow' openings in the drive and both have a 'L' shaped male plug on the cabling. Again, one cable is a flat red cable that has a 9/16" wide male plug on it. The power cable has five individual wires that go into a male plug 15/16" wide on the business end. By business end, I mean the male part that goes into the female plug on the drive.
Sorry for all the words -- just trying to be clear. You can take a look at the drive in your 2009 'Super PC' build which I assume will have a Sata drive in it -- and should match up with 'my wording in this post'!
The pata female plugs in a drive will look entirely different than the Sata plug(s) in the pictures the urls make reference to. It is real simple to figure it out, as I am sure you will agree. I just use all the 'extra wording' to cover the bases from all directions.
There should not be a problem figuring this out!! Good luck!
Left this out: The flat red cable (9/16" wide plug) is from the mobo to the Sata drive. The other 15/16" cable with the five individual wires is from the power supply.
Note: My comments based on the URLs above and my sata drive (with a flat red cable going into it plus the five wire cable with the 15/16" plug that goes into my sata drive). Your 2009 build should match my 'wording'.
10-16-2012, 05:48 PM
Thanks Zburns, so with this MB can I use Pata drives? It appears that my old HDs are Pata.
10-16-2012, 07:18 PM
I tried to do some quick reading on Google hoping for a 'definitive answer' but I have to spend more time on the subject. The Pres Debate starts soon, so that stops me for tonight. Should be able to post something definite in the morning!!
I took a quick look at your motherboard specs on the Gigabyte home page for the mobo. It only supports Sata, so that is a big deal from a connector viewpoint.
Again, best that I deal with it early tomorrow am.
10-17-2012, 12:27 PM
Thanks Zburns, I might just take the path of least resistance and buy a new SATA HD. If you do find some info let me know. It would be nIce to be able t access the data with the new build.
10-17-2012, 04:31 PM
Take a look at this article entitled: How to Integrate SATA and IDE Drives at this URL -- Even in this article there is a statement about the motherboard having (must have) some 'pata' compatibility. I do not think this is an area you really want to get into. You are far better off with a new sata HD.
10-17-2012, 05:42 PM
You convinced me. Do the components I chose above look to be compatible?
10-17-2012, 09:46 PM
Hey Randal,
Sorry, just got here. Will respond in the morning!
10-18-2012, 11:05 AM
Hi Randall,
"I have found the following locally, are the components compatible?
MB Gigabyte GA Z77-DS3H
Intel i3 3220 3.3Ghz
Ballistic Sport DDR3-1600"
The motherboard and cpu are definitely compatible. Ballistic Sport is made by Crucial (which you know). Since you are running a dual core, you can get by with not much RAM capacity. Your mobo is Dual Channel which means you should fill at least two of the slots, one stick of RAM per channel. You can get by with 2 gig per channel. I would prefer 4 gig per channel but my reasoning could be flawed. If the price is close I would go with 4 gig; however, I would suggest you call Crucial and ask Tech Support if there is any reason 'that using 4 gig per stick is superior to 2 gig per stick regards reliability' -- Is two gig per stick more likely to have occasional 'misfires' as compared to 4 gig; if you talk to them, tell them you are speaking theoretically. They will be reluctant to admit 4 gig better than 2 gig. (Note: I cannot support an argument in favor of my recommendation -- since most RAM today on 64 bit systems is much larger than 4 gig, I just have a theory about it which may or may not hold water! )
If the majority of all destops sold today are 64 bit rather than 32 bit, I would guess 4 gig RAM use is minimal. You could ask the store folks where you plan to get these components, but make sure the person you talk to is 'knowledgeable'. Simple question, Dual core systems mostly 4 Gig total or more!
Late Edit: Above comments on 4 gig of RAM assume 64 bit OS.
10-22-2012, 08:12 PM
Thanks Zburns, I got 8 gb of ram to be safe. Put together the system and loaded software was working great until I tried to get on the Internet. Could not see LAN hardware, said components were not installed. Sent email to Gigabyte Tech Support they told me:
Answer : Dear customer,
Please remove CMOS battery for 10-15Mins and reinstall the following LAN driver:
What is the likelihood this will work? If Win7 doesn't see the on board hardware why should this work?
10-22-2012, 10:46 PM
Please remove CMOS battery for 10-15Mins and reinstall the following LAN driver:
Would not do the above just yet!
Just saw your post. Obama and Romney got in the way!! Back to you tomorrow am!
10-25-2012, 07:57 AM
Would not do the above just yet!
Just saw your post. Obama and Romney got in the way!! Back to you tomorrow am!
Can I just download the latest LAN driver to a thumbdrive and install that? Not sure why LAN is not seen in Device Mgr?
10-25-2012, 09:15 AM
Hi Randall,
I apologize for not getting back as promised.
Before you move forward with the LAN download, check out the rest of this post first. Download the LAN driver last. Please post back the 'result'.
Your Gigabyte manual should agree with the following from the online manual that I can access: From the online Gigabyte manual, page 16, these instructions: ". For optimum performance, when enabling Dual Channel mode with two memory modules,
we recommend that you install them in the DDR3_1 and DDR3_2 sockets. "
My comment regards page 16 -- assuming you have two RAM sticks, 4 gig each, install them in 'sockets 1 and 2. Also, on page 16, note the following: Channel A: DDR3_2, DDR3_4
Channel B: DDR3_1, DDR3_3
By installing in sockets 1 & 2, you are installing one stick in Channel A and one stick in Channel B -- sorry for the 'obvious' and 'repetitive' comment -- this keeps us both on the same page.
My instructions above 'absolutely have to agree with your Gigabyte manual'. If not post back to me and I will call Gigabyte (you can call them). My point being that the online manual I am using should be identical to your manual that came with the mobo.
Change the subject: I assume you used a static grounding wrist strap. You should have handled the RAM stick only on 'the thin fiberglass edges of the RAM stick and you never touched the circuit board traces' -- precautions against static discharge.
10-25-2012, 09:53 AM
All those conditions were met as described. When I was in BIOS the entire 8Gb was recognized.
10-25-2012, 10:41 AM
Can I just download the latest LAN driver to a thumbdrive and install that?
Have you gone ahead and downloaded the LAN driver, and 'no effect on the problem is the result'??
10-25-2012, 12:08 PM
When I purchased my parts, all of them some years ago, the inside package within the box was clear very flexible thin cellophane/plastic sheet with a 'pattern inside the bag that resembled a 'black diamond shape pattern that covered the whole inside surface and is semi-conductive'. The inside surface was for static protection.
My question is was your motherboard and the other parts like RAM you purchased in 'machine' sealed semi conductive bags -- all the parts. Operative word is 'sealed' as in non-opened from the mfg facility or the manufacturers 'shipping facility'.
If you go into the BIOS, does everything show up and does not show up in device manager?
10-25-2012, 01:29 PM
The MB came in a bluish film bag taped shut not sealed. I actually talked to the stores tech department, since the LAN did not show On the Device Mgr they had me exchange it for an Asus MB P8Z77-VLX. I installed that board and it does not connect through the LAN. Can you tell me what the LAN settings in the BIOS are to enable it? I just think something must set incorrectly.
10-25-2012, 04:46 PM
Ok, the open bag is assumed to be the problem, for the moment. I have tried to pull up Asus MB P8Z77-VLX but I do not find this full number. What I can get is Asus P8Z77-V, but no LX on the end. I assume this new mobo is in a Asus motherboard box. On the front of the motherboard box in very large letters will be the name ASUS as well as the motherboard number such as P8Z77-V but nothing after that. Is ASUS P8Z77-V the 'title' on the front of the box.
Also, I assume this motherboard came in a sealed anti-static bag, that no one has tampered with. Is this assumption correct or not?
With this new motherboard, you received a manual. The manual tells you the steps to perform in the BIOS, so you have to go thru that before trying to use it. Following the steps in the manual will determine what shows up in the BIOS, I assume.
10-25-2012, 07:46 PM
I have success! I checked that the LAN was enabled and it was, then I loaded the newest driver from the Asus website. Once it was installed it found the network and started downloading Win7 updates.
I have one question about the build. I have SATA sockets on the board 4x3.0 gb/sec and 2x6.0 gb/sec. The Asus manual said the 6.0 were for the HD, however when I plugged it in and started the computer it did not see the HD only the DVD drive that was plugged into the other 6.0 socket. I shut down the machine, switched the HD and DVD plugs, but again it only saw the DVD. I then plugged both into 3.0 sockets and it saw both the HD and DVD. Just noted it and moved on. Why did the HD not work in the 6.0 sockets and why did the DVD?
Thanks for all your help with the LAN.
10-26-2012, 08:33 AM
Congratulations on completing the build; I know you are pleased! How about, posting the model number of the LG Sata Optical drive. I assume you have it installed in the new build! I will need that before I do any research on your question. Thanks!!
10-29-2012, 11:20 AM
Thanks Zburns,
My LG drive is Model GH24NS90B.
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