View Full Version : To SLI or not SLI

08-11-2007, 08:52 PM
I'm in the data gathering stage of a pc build and would like an answer to the following - If I do not intend to run a PC with dual cards is there much point point in having a SLI mobo. I was looking at a MSI K9N SLI Platinum for the build but see that the MSI K9N Platinum is essentially the same minus the SLI support and NZ$50 cheaper - so it seem to me to be no advantage for going for the SLI board.
What are yoiur thoughs?

08-12-2007, 06:13 AM
I think what you say makes sense.

The Wise Monkey
08-16-2007, 05:05 AM
I can honestly say that SLI is one of the most overrated concepts ever. You are much better off getting one more powerful card rather than two inferior cards.

If you never intend to run SLI, then there is no point getting a SLI motherboard - they add nothing extra except another PCI-E port.

Jamie Nixx
08-16-2007, 09:12 AM
You make a good point, but i feel it is always nice to have the option, and nowadays most really good boards are SLI enabled anyway.

08-27-2007, 12:14 PM
my point on the sli side of things is 100% increas yes 65 % mmmm yes. but your lucky to get a 30-40% fps increas so for me no its a waste of money just slap some decent cooling on our card and oc it all will be well thats what i would do .and take your time

Jamie Nixx
08-27-2007, 12:46 PM
It depends on the games you are playing, some games can have a 70% increase in performance, whereas some games will only have a 20% increase.

In some cases i have seen there has actually been a 120% increase in the number of FPS.

Yes, its not worth it to buy two of the same card brand new, but if you can pick up a second card for cheap then its definately worth it.