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View Full Version : 'Forum' and 'What's New' blocks above.

01-30-2012, 08:21 PM

Today, right now, the What's New block right underneath VBulletin does not show the new today's posts!! Yet if I click on 'Quick Links' in the nav bar just below the top main nav bar, I get a pull down menu with 'View Today's Posts' and this works fine.

The 'What's New' block was working fine earlier. Just wanted to ask what happened. Ricky has a number of posts up for today. I have 3 posts up today also.

Concern is that the new members who are the cause of the posts have only the main forum page to find any reference to their posts. The 'What's New' Nav block at the top is a significant help to all of us, but particularly new members.


After finishing this post, I can now click on the 'What's New' block above (beside Forum), and, this post pops right up; again, when I go to Quick Links I do get all of today's posts (five or six posts)

01-30-2012, 08:49 PM
That's strange Z. It's working for me.

01-30-2012, 09:21 PM
Hey Ricky,

They are back on but I am not sure when it happened. Same thing happened yesterday or the day before!

Different subject, tell me what this means? Shows up in bold print the last several days when I touch on 'Whats New'. Here it is: The threads below have not been updated since your last visit or since forums have been marked read.

01-30-2012, 10:21 PM
Rob, Ricky,

I think I answered my own question. When on the 'What's New' page, there is on the second navigation bar in small print, couple inches from the left, the words 'Mark Forums Read'. When clicking on this, it removes all the posts on the 'What's New' page. Right after I posted to Ricky, I did click on 'Mark Forums Read' just for the heck of it. When I returned a few minutes later and clicked on 'What's New' -- nothing there but the 'Sorry, no new posts, threads, etc'.

So that answers my question, pretty sure. However, my initial opinion of that small link, 'Mark Forums Read' is not helpful as I see it. Those of us who respond to new builder questions are constantly going back to that 'What's New' page. A newbie playing around with that page may lose the page, etc. - not beneficial to him, etc..

Anyhow, it is not a big deal. I will avoid 'Mark Forums Read' and assume that the post's disappearances will stop. But thanks for your time, both of you!! -- Z