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View Full Version : I am back and have a few questions.

01-20-2012, 03:32 PM
Last time I was here was in 2009. I learned how to up grade my old computer to keep it going a few more years. Thanks!

Now it is beyond repair so I am considering trying to build my own. I tallied the cost of computer you have on your home page. It somes to about $1400. I am retired so this is rather spicy for my budget. I seem to remember when I visited this website in 2009 you had alternative plans to build a computer that is less expensive. Where do I find these?

If I can find the parts, would it be feasible to put together components you suggested back in 2009.

At the end of 2009 I purchased your My Super PC - How to Build Your Own Computer.
Is your new book How to Build an Affordable, Quality, Fast PC! the same as book I already have?
If not, how is it different? Are the components different compared to My Super PC book I bought and /or the components you have on your home page?


01-20-2012, 08:13 PM
Welcome back.
Try this link for some ideas on building an up-to-date computer.

01-24-2012, 08:36 AM
Hi, Bob, and welcome back.

The book now was first published in 2010, so it's different than the one you have now. But it's different in the components used for the build. Hardware technology changes over time and I re-issued the book to keep up. The book you have may be sufficient, although typically computers built today do not use AGP video cards or IDE hard drives and optical drives.

I would not recommend chasing down old components to build a computer that matches old assembly instructions, especially since you have built a computer before. The link RickyTick posted is quite helpful if you want to trim the costs down.