View Full Version : Overclocking Failure! at boot

10-31-2011, 02:02 AM
Hi everyone,

I built my new PC, and everything's been going flawlessly since step 1!

However, one thing happened earlier.

First of all, I used the Asus AISuite TurboV EVO to OC the system. It OC'd it 36%, it claims before becoming unstable. Everything went well after that, and I was able to smoothly boot up multiple times. However, tonight, despite having not made any other changes, the system wouldn't boot up, claiming "Overclocking Failure! Press F1 to enter setup." So, I entered setup, changed nothing, and restarted. Same message. I then looked at the voltage for the components, and remembered something that Zburns said about the ram voltage--that it shouldn't go over 1.5v with Intel i7-2600k. I never set it higher than that, and it was, by default, set to 1.50000v. However, the monitor reading was showing that it was boost to 1.512v (probably from the AISuite). I lowered the manual entry from 1.50000 to 1.49850 (or something), and the computer boot up fine.

Is this something I should be worried about?

I have the Asus P8Z68-V Pro motherboard and this ram (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233147&Tpk=CMZ8GX3M2A1600C8).

10-31-2011, 07:39 AM
Overclocking is not an exact science. Sometimes components just react differently on different setups. A 36% OC is pretty significant.

I guess my first question is, Why are you overclocking? Is there a program that seems to be running slow or are you just having some fun with overclocking? Just be careful and go in small increments. Stability is key.

10-31-2011, 11:48 AM
Well, I'm overclocking just because the system is able to (it runs seriously cool even at full load because of the liquid cooler), and I don't mind some extra performance :)

When I googled the error, it said that it was more likely the RAM than the CPU. When I adjusted the RAM voltage down 1 step, it worked fine. What do you think?

I used the Turbo-V EVO tool for OC -- it claims to increment it slowly and test after each to ensure stability. It seems stable aside from that one error and I ran prime95 and everything seemed normal at 4.6Ghz.

10-31-2011, 02:54 PM
If it adjusted the ram voltage and made it stable, I'd stop there. Don't take the chance of damaging anything.