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View Full Version : First Boot problems with MSI moterboard

09-01-2011, 10:26 AM
Hi ,
I just tied my first boot using the latest recommended MSI motherboard. I got a long beep followed by two short beeps. I read on this forum this indicates a video card problem.

I removed the graphics card(EVGA GTX460) and then re-installed the two -6 plug power plugs into the card and then re installed the card into the mother board in the suggested slot. I pressed the card down into the slot and then screwed the card into the case with 2 screws. I made sure the adaptor was tight and then connected the monitor cable securely into the adaptor. I then cleared the CMOS using the button in the motherboard.
I then plugged in the mouse and keyboard and then the power cord. I turned on the monitor and waited for the solid amber light on the front of the panel. Then I pushed the start button on the case.

In a few seconds I got one long beep and then two short beeps. The short beeps were a different tone that the long beep. They were a lower softer sound.
The screen flashed:
MAXVELL and a lot of other stuff that I couldn't read fast enough to copy and ended with No HARD DRIVE DETECTED.
Then there was a splash screen that flashed for a second or two and then the screen changed to the following:

EFI Shell Version 2.0{4.640}
Current running mode 1.1.2
map: cannot finid required map name

Press ESC in 1 sec to skip startup.hsh,
any other key to continue


I don't have a clue if this means the machine is ok and I should install the hard drive and the operating system or I have to replace something like the video card before I go on with installing software.(:o)

Hoping for the best,

09-02-2011, 07:07 AM
I would go ahead and install the hard drive (and optical drive if you have one). Put the OS disk in the DVD drive and make sure the BIOS is set to read that drive before reading the hard drive. Try to install Windows and see what happens from there.

It would help to know exactly what motherboard you have.

09-02-2011, 07:58 AM
The Motherboard I am using is:

MSI P67A-GD65 (B3) LGA 1155


09-25-2011, 12:45 PM
As I just posted, I had the same experience with an MSI P67a motherboard and a geforce 8600 gt. I decided to ignore the beeps, install the hard drive, install the OS (Vista) and everything else. So far everything is working like it should. My motherboard documentation has no information about beep patterns.


10-13-2011, 12:20 PM

SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!, finally, after being sick and having to move twice, I found that the problem had nothing to do with the motherboard and its beeps. My hard drive was found to be DOA and a replacement was installed this morning. I started and had Windows 7 installed in no time at all. I can't believe how fast this new machine is.
Thanks a Million for this web site.
This is my second build using this web site. If it were not for a dead hard drive, I would have had two excellent builds and startups from the first push of the button. I can't say enough about what a great job you get with these instructios.