View Full Version : Request for Advice: ASUS KGPE-D16

08-09-2011, 04:05 PM
Hey guys

Long time stalker, first time poster.

I'm about to start a build for my new home office machine, and I'm hoping to go with a server motherboard. My plan is

2x MagnyCours AMDs (8 cores each, of course)
32GB of ripjaws (because I think they look cool)

I'll buy an inexpensive case since it'll be out of sight, but I could use some recommendations for cases that have filters on the vents, since this will be in a somewhat dusty (yet cool) location.

Here's what I really want to know: can I really put two double-wide PCI-E video cards in there? I've got three 24" flat panels, and I want the center screen on a dedicated card and the two outside displays on a shared card. I'll match the cards, but:

- Can anyone recommend a good value for money card with decent heat propertied?
- Can I really put two double-wides in there without overheating?

Also, can I squeeze in a USB 3 card to get me a few more ports (on a dedicated bus)?

Thanks in advance for your help.

08-14-2011, 10:30 AM
Servers are outside of my comfort zone. I don't want to give you bad advice. Sorry I'm not much help.