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View Full Version : First book: Nothing displaying on screen

06-11-2011, 10:40 PM
Motherboard: MSI P67A-GD65
Ram: G.SKILL 12800CL9D-8GBXL
Video card: Geforce GTX 460 SE
750W power supply

Get the 2 really quick beeps (think their for usb connections??) then the louder and solid single beep (meaning everything is ok?) All fans running and LEDS are all on saying CPU is in phase 6 power?

I believe these are the beep codes for msi http://www.bioscentral.com/beepcodes/amibeep.htm#
GSkill say its compatable http://www.gskill.com/products.php?index=355
test report for the motherboard: http://www.msi.com/product/mb/P67A-GD65.html#?div=TestReport

Double checked manual for Ram slots, it has a diagram showing DIMM1 and DIMM3 for Dual channel use. The only thing I can think of is that I'm using a VGA screen and have a VGA to DVI cable connecting it to the video card - maybe not compatable?

Also, I don't have a hard drive or cd drive in place yet


06-11-2011, 10:41 PM
First Boot not first book haha

06-11-2011, 11:53 PM
Well put the drives in and then see what happens.

06-12-2011, 12:06 AM
Did that and the same thing happens, been looking online and some people are seeing that installing the ram into slots 2 and 4 worked...tried that and the same thing occurs

06-12-2011, 12:30 AM
Just took out and reset the video card... no changes. To be more descriptive about whats happening, when i turn on the system the screen turns on/recognizes somethings happening, then in the top left corner an under line blinks once and quickly turns off with the beeping.

06-12-2011, 06:29 PM
Turned out to be my screen. Bought a new one and its working great!

06-12-2011, 06:43 PM
Great. Glad you got it worked out.