View Full Version : Would Like To Build A Rackmount PC

Mick Emery
04-08-2011, 10:23 AM
Hi! I'm new at this so if I show my ignorance, don't be shocked.

I'm a musician. I play an instrument called the Synthophone. It's a midi-fied alto sax.
I've tried going the laptop route to play my Virtual Instruments, but I & most others that have done so, find them lacking.

I got the idea of building a 3u rack mount computer that would provide the CPU power & RAM needed to play these instruments with as little latency as possible. Instead of an external interface, like MOTU or Presonus, I believe the RME AIO sound card would be the best.

I was wondering if I could get some feedback on.
1. Cases
2. Mother Boards
3. CPU
4. Cooling fans
5. RAM (I'd like to use between 16-32G)
6. Small touch screen monitor?
7. Hard Drive
8. SSD to store my library (wav files)

My build will not be connected to the internet or used for anything other than performing live.

Any help/feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,


04-08-2011, 11:40 AM
Would love to help you Mick, but this just isn't in my area of expertise.

Mick Emery
04-08-2011, 12:38 PM
No prob. Ricky...
I appreciate your honesty.


I just looked at you AMD High End Build. I believe something like that would work nicely, with a RAM upgrade & SSD.
Out of curiosity...are the AMD 6 core CPU's much faster?