View Full Version : Trying to build a new computer

03-02-2011, 09:14 AM
I haven't built a computer in about five years, and just recently began reading up on different technology I didn't use back then (ie crossfirex, RAID). Hoping I can get some feedback and help on the products I'm looking at, since I'm not 100% sure they would be the best fit for eachother, or even work together! Thanks in advance.

Case + OS

Boot HDD



CPU Cooler




Fan Controller

I left off optical drives since I'm going to just salvage those from an old box. I don't know if I missed anything, hopefully I can get some feedback!
EDIT: Also, I'm not too worried about pricing(within limits of course!), so if any of this stuff can be upgraded without too huge of a price difference, I'm all for any suggestion.

03-02-2011, 02:11 PM
That's a major overkill on the power supply. I would suggest a 750 watt psu.

Use the money saved from the power supply and get a better video card. Either a Radeon 6950 or 6970, or an Nvidia GTX 560 or 570.

You need triple channel ram. Maybe something like this. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4307847&CatId=4329

03-02-2011, 02:41 PM
Thanks! I was wondering if that would be too much for a PSU but I was trying to be safe, since I don't really know how much I would need anymore! And to the different video cards you suggested, which is better or more reliable? Radeon or GTX?

03-02-2011, 04:37 PM
Your build list is very similar to my system, and I'm running it on a 620 watt psu. So a 750 watt is plenty.

On the video card, there are a few variables to consider.
1. What resolution or screen size.
2. What games do you play.
3. How much money do you want to invest.

Also, are you sure you need that fan controller?

03-03-2011, 09:36 AM
1. The Resolution I'd like to run is 2560 x 1440, I will be using a 27inch widescreen hd lcd (formerly my tv)
2. At the moment I'm not sure which games I would play the most, since I've been out of gaming for about a year and a half (having a baby can do that haha) but I'd like to make sure I can play any high end game without any hiccups
3. For the video card, I'd prefer it stay under 350, but maximum would most likely be 400.

As for the fan controller, no, I'm not sure I need it, but it looked like an eye catching addition, I'd prefer to have one if you have any better suggestions, since this one doesn't monitor the 200mm fans

03-03-2011, 10:59 AM
For that resolution and price range, you should be looking at a GeForce GTX570 or Radeon 6970.

This case has excellent cooling and I'm just not sure the fan controller will make much of a difference.

btw, when I had kids, I bought a nice headset so I wouldn't wake them up at night. :)