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View Full Version : XP or Windows 7

02-04-2011, 01:28 PM
I will probably have to get a new OS. I notice, after reading some of these threads, that there can be some problems with Win 7 and the Super PC's. There is talk of having to use a clean HD before installing Win 7. If that is the case will Win 7 format and wipe the HD clean before installing OS. And is Windows XP still a good system. I am trying to decide which OS to go with. I was using XP but I think the CD disk has become corrupted. I also have the M2N-Sli deluxe version of the motherboard and PC with the EVGA video card. Antec case.

02-04-2011, 06:21 PM
I'm not aware of any problems with the MySuperPC builds and Windows 7. If you're installing the OS on a new system, then Windows will perform a clean install. If you're upgrading from a previous version of Windows, you may be able to save some of your files and data. It depends on the previous OS. I would encourage you to do a clean install of Win 7 64-bit.

02-10-2011, 06:17 AM
So your saying that the Win 7 disk will format and clean the HD just like XP does. While I am on this subject; AM2 processor will not work with XP3. IS there something in the BIOS settings that can change this.

02-10-2011, 07:06 AM
So your saying that the Win 7 disk will format and clean the HD just like XP does. While I am on this subject; AM2 processor will not work with XP3. IS there something in the BIOS settings that can change this.

Look through this. http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/1649-clean-install-windows-7-a.html

I was thinking the XP SP3 problem with AMD was only on HP computers. I could be wrong about that. May need to do a little research.