View Full Version : compatibility check of components
12-20-2010, 02:14 PM
this is my first post so plz dont shout at me if iam doing something wrong.
this is the first time i want to build my own pc and ive chosen all components that i need.
but with my limited knowledge i dont know if all the components are compatible so id appreciate it if someone were to look throught them and tell me if they are.
i know the website is in Spanish, but the details of every product should be in English.
thx to anyone who is kind enough to have a look.
12-20-2010, 05:47 PM
I don't see any problems with compatibility.
Are you going to use that extra fan as an intake fan in the front of the case? If so, that's a great idea. I really like the Antec 300 case, but it needs an intake fan in the front.
12-20-2010, 08:16 PM
that seems a pretty powerful and fast rig you got there.
my budget isnt that big that i can afford a better one.
but i have another question, just at a glance do you think its fast enough to run games like R.U.S.E., call of duty modern warfare 2, S.T.L.K.E.R., far cry 2, assassins creed 2 and other games at acceptable graphics quality?
i want to put one of those fans on the front and one on the side, i have a question about that case, it said it has an air filter, does it have it on all fan "slots"?
any other comments about any of the components?
btw i want to run windows xp profesional sp3 on it, so more than 3.5gb ram is actually a waste since the 32 bit version doesnt support more but the 64bit version apparently has a lot of bugs, errors and compatibility problems.
12-20-2010, 08:29 PM
It should play all those games at 1280x1050, but probably not at max settings.
The air filters are on the front panel.
Why use XP? Windows 7 is much better.
12-20-2010, 09:21 PM
iam not going to argue with you whats better, ive never used windows 7 but ive seen it and i dont like it, plus id have to buy it, plus overall the pc has to be faster to run windows 7. why do you prefer windows 7? lets see maybe youll convince me.
ive got a university version of windows xp, which can be installed unlimitless times.
12-21-2010, 06:52 AM
Check here.
Then see this.
Not only does Win 7 have a 64-bit version that runs perfectly, it's faster, more stable, and much more secure.
If you're at a university, you should have access to Win7 for free also.
12-21-2010, 02:39 PM
emm, iam 16, i dont go to university yet, my dad is a math professor and got a copy of the windows xp.
you say its faster, yet in all games it always says you need twice the ram as with windows xp.
12-21-2010, 02:54 PM
well the video gave two advantages that got my attention, you can pin programs and files to the task bar and the search function.
but the compare website is a load of crap.
for example, connect to a network with three clicks, it says only windows 7 can do that, yet windows xp can too, i checked
plus you can do this with xp too:
Open programs and files you use most in a click or two.
Connect to your home PC media library while you're away.
and these following statements are stupid in so many ways.
Manage printers, cameras, and other devices better.
Organize lots of files, documents, and photos effortlessly.
Touch and tap instead of point and click.
Print to a single printer from any PC in the house.
and i want to point out you can put shortcuts on your desktop.
i dont think you will convince me using videos and charts from microsoft themselves
plz dont get put off by the way i sound.
but plz, why do you say "it's faster, more stable, and much more secure."?
the biggest plus so far is the 64 bit version that apparently actually works, that one might actually make me use windows 7.
12-21-2010, 04:15 PM
ok then, run XP.
The Wise Monkey
12-22-2010, 02:59 AM
Hi kitube,
Bear in mind that Windows XP is nearly 10 years old now, so it really is out of date. Saying that it runs faster on modern hardware would be the same argument as running Windows 98 up until a few years ago. It has been a very long time since it was written, and lots of things have changed. Plus, people have had a lot more time to find exploits for Windows XP.
Here are a few good reasons to use Windows 7:
- XP will be at End-Of-Life from Microsoft in a couple of years, so won't receive any more security updates, including new versions of software such as IE9
- Windows 7 randomises the memory space, which prevents a whole chunk of stack overflow exploits that XP is still vulnerable to
- Windows 7 has a much better firewall
- As time goes by, fewer pieces of software and hardware will support XP
- A bit of eye candy in the form of Aero, but that is more of a personal preference!
- Excellent support for SSDs if you decide to install one in the future
- As you mentioned above, the 64-bit version is very well supported in terms of drivers, which enables you to use as much RAM as you can
- If you have a valid .edu address, which I'm sure your dad does, then you can get Windows 7 Professional for $65:
Perhaps the best option would be for you to download the ISO file from here (for Windows 7 Pro 64-bit):, burn it onto a DVD (at the lowest speed) and try installing it; the trial is free for 30 days, or up to 120 days if you use a few commands. This will give you a chance to explore the OS and see if it is for you.
If you decide to stick with XP, bear in mind that you will definitely need to upgrade in a few years to avoid being even more insecure when the updates stop.
12-22-2010, 08:00 AM
hmmm, is it really ten years ago? didnt realize that, ok that is kinda outdated, especially in the modern computer world.
i guess i would try it if i build my own pc.
not sure if i would spend money on it though.
The Wise Monkey
12-22-2010, 08:47 AM
Well, give it a try first of all. If you really don't like it, then just do a clean install of XP.
Microsoft did an offer in September, when all the students came back after the summer, where Windows 7 was only $30, which is an excellent price.
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