View Full Version : Hi all..
Jamie Nixx
11-25-2010, 12:59 PM
Wow, long time no see ;)
How are we all doing?
Well, some of you may remember i went back to college, well, i am now on my Gap year and am off to Uni next year :p
Seems like yesterday, i guess time really does fly.
At the moment i am just chilling out, looking for a part time job so i have a bit of extra cash, and looking forward to Christmas.
What has everyone been upto?
The Wise Monkey
11-25-2010, 03:28 PM
Hey man, good to hear from you. Hope you are keeping well. Have you decided what course you are going to do? Which University did you go for in the end?
Jamie Nixx
11-25-2010, 05:08 PM
I already have my course, i just deferred it for a year ;)
I went with Computer Science, hard subject but no pain no gain as they say...
Going to Thames Valley.
I also did a bit of work last summer with AIG (Now Alico UK) on a paid Internship, was pretty cool, lots of work, but easy, and a lot of idiots to deal with as well.
I have pretty much left the PC building World behind now, for myself at least, it used to be a hobby, now its a Job, its lost its edge.
Sold off the last of my Gaming stuff and i am now a console gamer.
How you been anyway?
11-25-2010, 09:49 PM
Hi Jamie. Long time, no see. I was just thinking about you a few days ago.
Sounds like things are going well. Best of luck with your studies. We would love to have you pop in here from time to time.
Take care. Don't be a stranger.
The Wise Monkey
11-26-2010, 02:57 AM
I've been OK, thanks. Working hard and taking names. :)
I have to agree with you on the PC building front; I don't even have a PC at home any more, just a laptop. It is amazing how quickly it becomes too much a daily routine to be enjoyable!
Jamie Nixx
11-26-2010, 05:59 AM
Same WM, i have my trusty Laptop, to be fair it is a bit of a beast but i need a bit of power! :D
I will be building my Mum a PC for Christmas, nothing flash, just a nice compact unit with Windows 7, thats probably the first time in a year i have built anything for either myself or someone i know, all the rest is work :eek:
I intend to pop round a lot more often Ricky, i do drop in quite a bit to check how things going but i don't log in regularly.
Hope things are going well across the pond!
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