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View Full Version : Can a warped HSF contact plate damage a CPU

07-18-2007, 01:18 PM
I know I'm probably irritating people by droning about this, but, I asked this question and I don't feel as though I got a answer (if I did, please refer me)!
As I've said, my Zalman 9500's contact plate was grossly warped, similar to this, except considerably worse (http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2005/08/18/zalman_asetek_cooler/2).:eek: It only contacted the CPU around the outer edges.
My question is, when I took off the 9500, I noticed that there seemed to be smooth marks on the edges, (a contrast to the usual matte/rough finish of the CPU) corresponding to where the 9500's warped plate contacted the CPU. I'm concerned that the unstable pressure of the HSF may have caused indentions into the CPU. My processor is running, but is running (possibly) slightly hot (~37-41 C).
Could the CPU be damaged?
If so, should I replace it? (I'm not seeing it likely that Zalman will reimburse me).

07-19-2007, 12:43 AM
Posted on AMD forum. Said what I expected: if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Ran stability test for 2 1/2 hours, set my PC Probe CPU temp to 52 degrees. The alarm never went off. I never saw it get above 50 C, even under full load for 9 minutes. I guess I've answered my own question.

The Wise Monkey
07-19-2007, 02:18 AM
No problem mate - the other thread did start rambling a bit... :D

AMD processors run quite hot usually, so nothing seems wrong here. If its still worrying you, I recommend getting another fan; its not worth damaging your CPU.