View Full Version : First Build problems

Kyle Denise
09-13-2010, 05:50 PM
Sorry if I'm posting to the wrong forum, but wasn't sure which one.

I'm having occasional bsod problems and wonder if the older/wimpy video card could be causing them. The errors are memory management mostly. But, today I tried using a Win screensaver and after a bit the screen became unreadable with funny colors and the computer froze. The card is a Sapphire X1550 512mb. All the drivers are up to date.
I'm wondering if it's really a bad choice for my system. Someone gave it to me is the only reason I used it.
I'm thinking it might also be a bad stick of ram and I plan on running memtest to rule that out.
Any clue/advice would be great.

MB - Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD4P LGA 1156
CPU - Intel Core i7-860 Lynnfield 2.8GHZ
PSU - Corsair HX 750W
HD - WD Caviar 1 TB
RAM - G.Skill Ripjaws 8 GB
VC - Sapphire X1550 512MB
OS - Win 7 Pro 64-bit
DVD/CD - Sony Optiarc
CASE - Antec Nine Hundred Two


09-13-2010, 06:41 PM
That ram is on Gigabytes "approved" list, so we know it's compatible.
Plus the motherboard defaults to 1.5 volts for ram, and your ram is rated to operate at 1.5 volts. So, ok there.

I would suggest trying with only 2 sticks of ram and see how that works. Be sure to install them in DIMM slots 1 and 3 (the white ones).
Run it for a few days. If no problems, substitute one stick with one of the others. If no probs, substitute with the last stick. Use this method to eliminate the "bad" stick of ram. You can run memtest on each pair too.
If any combination of two sticks doesn't produce a bsod, then put all 4 in and see what happens.

Then move on to replacing that video card. ;)

Kyle Denise
11-22-2010, 11:27 AM
I'm thinking I want to replace the video card in my newly built computer. As I've said before I'm not a gamer, but the card I used was wimpy and would like something better, but do not want to break the bank. Not sure it is worth mentioning, but I use a lot of software from Adobe's Creative Suite.

If anyone has time to give me a suggestion, I'd appreciate it.

MB - Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD4P LGA 1156
CPU - Intel Core i7-860 Lynnfield 2.8GHZ
PSU - Corsair HX 750W
HD - WD Caviar 1 TB
RAM - G.Skill Ripjaws 8 GB
VC - Sapphire X1550 512MB
OS - Win 7 Pro 64-bit
DVD/CD - Sony Optiarc
CASE - Antec Nine Hundred Two

Kyle Denise

11-22-2010, 01:55 PM
$100 after mail in rebate, and has free shipping.

Kyle Denise
11-28-2010, 11:04 PM
$100 after mail in rebate, and has free shipping.

The old saying "you snooze, you lose" applies here. Just tried to order that card and it's out of stock. Would you be kind enough to suggest another video card. Sorry, but I get lost trying to figure out which one to purchase.

11-29-2010, 06:44 AM
This is a better card, but about $30 more.