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View Full Version : ??Difference between Windows 7 Premium / System builder

08-14-2010, 05:56 AM
I posted this in a different section, but I guess no one saw it.
Thanks for feedback.
What is the difference between Windows Premium and System builder 1pk?

08-14-2010, 09:18 AM
Hi Shaun.

Your question is a little confusing. I'm not sure if you're asking what is the difference between Windows OEM or Windows Retail, or are you asking what are the different versions of Windows.

For the different versions of Windows 7, look here.

Otherwise, I hope this helps.

OEM versions of Windows 7 are identical to Full License Retail versions except for the following:

- OEM versions do not offer any free Microsoft direct support from Microsoft support personnel

- OEM licenses are tied to the very first computer you install and activate it on

- OEM versions allow all hardware upgrades except for an upgrade to a different model motherboard

- OEM versions cannot be used to directly upgrade from an older Windows operating system

08-14-2010, 11:20 AM
Thanks Ricky. The 2nd part of that did answer my quesiton. I was not sure what exactly the difference was. Seems like I just need OEM.