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View Full Version : Gaming on Linux

06-27-2007, 06:53 PM
Well I guess I spoke too soon..

Looks like Linux has hope of catching on to mainstream gamers after all. After researching Ubuntu Linux, my boyfriend had decided to load it onto our computer.. which by the way is an almost 8 year old 667Mhz, 15 Gig hard drive and 128MB RAM (which I upgraded from 64 about 5 years ago and is the only hardware upgrade I have ever done. Go me!). We had been reading that Wine, which if you don't know is a program that allows you to play windows games on Linux, was working decently and though I may have to give up some text or sound.. it would run. Being that this computer is so unbelievably out of date, Windows 2000 is too much for it. And I used to play Diablo II on this thing and do a damned good job at it..... 6 years ago anyway. We wanted to try Ubuntu because it doesn't eat up all your system resources like Windows does, and this itty bitty machine should be able to keep up a little better.

We couldn't even get Age of Mythology to run properly.

After reading into things a bit more, the pros and cons weighed out to putting Windows 2000 back on this thing, so here we are. I was rather disheartened.. until he found this article earlier today.


In short, Cedega is a program that basically does what Wine does, but actually works and has a tech support staff - if you're willing to spend $5 a month to subscribe to their site.

I normally don't care for anything if you have to subscribe to it, but there are other options. Plus, once you have tried Ubuntu with its Wine counterpart and fell flat on your face with one of the most simple games on the market, checking out this lengthy Games List (http://games.cedega.com/gamesdb/) came as quite a shock.

For those of you into World of Warcraft, here's a screenshot:

Just thought that if anyone else out there is rooting for Linux as much as I am, you might find this interesting..

08-06-2007, 05:53 PM
emulators for windows on linux will never run as well as on a completely windows system, because having to emulate and convert information while playing the game will occupy more resources. i looked into gaming on linux for a while but if you have an older computer and you dont upgrade much or arent that interested/savvy, linux is a tough route to take. currently, it looks like the best distrobutions of linux for gaming are sabayon ubuntu or SuSe, but they really arent user friendly. theres a big difference between a bunch of friendly nerds on hand to help you out and user friendly. for example, installing a program on windows is a big happy "install" button, on sabayon linux for example (and other KDE/gentoo types) its 5 complex command lines (which i cant remember). i cant see WoW or a 3d game like age of mythology working well on an 8 year old system, i dont think thats even enough ram for it, if you really want to game on a computer you need to upgrade and get xp (or vista if you want the new dx10 games). the hacker group razor 1911 is trying to break directx 10 on xp, and have gotten one game, shadowrun, to work thus far but i dont know how successful they'll be. im still keeping my eye on it though. linux does have a lot of good, easy on the hardware games floating around, and an emulator should work for older games like d2 or starcraft, but if you want 3d you need a new system and id recommend windows.

08-06-2007, 05:55 PM
and vis a vis cedega, no software asides some online games has to have a pricetag. im not advocating it but there are "free" copies out there. cedegas definetly "it" if you want to play windows on linux