View Full Version : help this rookie with his ram and overclocking concerns

02-26-2010, 10:25 PM
:confused:as a rookie working on my first build. The correct ram to use with my new build confusses me..... can anyone help????

looking to build a system for all general computing needs as well as media center applications. (simutanusaly streaming hd video to living and bedroom tvs,recording over the air hdtv, and video editing)

Case: ABS Canyon 595 http://www.abs.com/app/canyon595_details.asp
power supply: Rosewill rg700-s12 http://www.rosewill.com/products/1375/productdetail.htm
motherboard: Gigabyte ga-x58a-ud3r http://www.gigabyte.us/products/motherboard/products_overview.aspx?productid=3317
Processor: Intel i7 920 http://ark.intel.com/product.aspx?id=37147
RAM: Kingston Hyper X khx14400/d3k3?3gx http://www.valueram.com/datasheets/khx14400d3k3_3gx.pdf
Harddrive: seagate st31500541as http://www.seagate.com/ww/v/index.jsp?name=st31500541as-bcuda-lp-sata-1.5tb-hd&vgnextoid=91abe5daa90b0210VgnVCM1000001a48090aRCRD&locale=en-US
Video card: Sapphire vapor X Radeon hd 5770 http://www.sapphiretech.com/presentation/product/?psn=000101&pid=305
TV Tuner card: Hauppauge wintv-hvr-2250 http://www.hauppauge.com/site/products/data_hvr2250.html
Optic drive: LG black 10x bluray burner http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827136181&cm_re=blu_ray_burner-_-27-136-181-_-Product
Operating system: Windows 7 home premium @ 64 bit http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116716&cm_re=windows_7_home_premium_full-_-32-116-716-_-Product

note:case,psu,mobo,processor,ram and harddrive bundle http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.328905
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ok.. so here is my confussion with my ram (and possible need to overclock)
mobo supports 24gb of ddr3 2200/1333/1066/800 MHz memory modules
processor only supports 24gb of ddr3 1066/800mhz non ecc memory modules
so then......
1. why does this bundle include ddr3 1800 memory?
2.will my processor reconize it...or will it simply run it at ddr3 1066 speeds? what about bios settings?
3.to take full advantage of this memory will i need to overclock? and how will that affect the stability of my system???
4. do u suggest a cpu cooler if i need to overclock or is the stock cpu cooler good enough?
5.if i keep and install this memory i want to increase memory size to above 7gb. kingston doesnt offer a 2gb x 3 kit of simmilar memory... any suggestions on what i should purchase in the kingston line...or possibly wait and hope they produce something??? or is it an all together bad idea to run 1gb kits and 2gb kits of triple channel memory together?
6. or should i simply scrap the combo package and purchase ddr3 1066 memory modules because this is all my processor will handle without overclocking?????

one last question.... if the i7 processor doesnt support modules above ddr3 1066 why do i see so many people installing them in their systems without mentioning overclocking (and some people even specifically state they wont be overclocking) will an upgrade to an i9 6 core processor take advantage of faster ram speeds, or is this unknown as of yet.

hope someone can set me straight on this issue...
thanks in advance

02-27-2010, 11:28 AM
I have to say that I really don't like that bundle at all.
The case is way too expensive, the hard drive is only a 5900rpm, and that Rosewill PSU is generally not regarded as very high in quality.

But to answer your questions:
1&2. That ram would work fine. They probably have an overstock of that ram and need to move it. It doesn't appear to be a good seller for them.
3&4. No need to overclock, but if you do, you will need a better cpu heatsink/cooler. In general, overclocking does put an additional stress on the components. It sort of depends on how much you overclock.
5. There are several kits of 6gb (3x2gb) out there. You may have to consider a different brand or a different speed Kingston.
6. Yep, I would scrap that combo.

02-27-2010, 06:49 PM
thank you rickytick.
but im still left with 1 question.
will my processor reconize the ram speed without overclocking,or simply run at the lower speed it supports?

02-27-2010, 07:20 PM
It's not a question of the cpu recognizing the ram, but of the motherboard recognizing it, and yes it would.

02-27-2010, 08:49 PM
thanks for the help rick... much appreciated.

however ill be taking your advice(for the 2nd time now)

scrap the combo..... find a cheaper case(but i loved that one) then upgrade the psu...hard drive...and 6gb ram kit.....

maybe even a cpu cooler......overclocking isnt out of the question.
will post again.

The Wise Monkey
02-28-2010, 07:00 AM
Cases are all about personal preference - you are going to be looking at it every day, so spend the extra money if you are going to enjoy it!