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View Full Version : Please help is my Mobo DOA?

02-03-2010, 10:18 AM
Ok so I have never built a computer before, that being said here are the components that I have for this build…

Case: Antec Sonata III 500 Black 0.8mm cold rolled steel ATX Mid Tower Computer Case 500W Power Supply

Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-MA770T-UD3P AM3 AMD 770 ATX AMD Motherboard

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition Deneb 3.2GHz Socket AM3 125W Quad-Core Processor Model HDZ955FBGMBOX

RAM: G.SKILL 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory Model F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ

Graphics card: HIS H575Q1GD Radeon HD 5750 1GB 128-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.1 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card

I put together my Mobo, Ram, CPU and GPU. Then I went to do a first boot as instructed. All the fans came on Case, CPU and GPU there was no beep and no Pic on my monitor. I am unable to turn computer off buy pushing the power button and unable to rest, only way to turn unit off is the switch on the power supply. Now I have read through some threads with similar problems and I tried some of the solutions to no avail. I have check all connections, I removed GPU, I checked and removed Ram, I removed the battery form Mobo I even removed Mobo from case and try to run same situation fans run but nothing else. Mobo never did shut itself down at any time
During install I used a static wristband.
I am afraid that my Mobo is DOA but I have no way of checking the other components seeing as I do not have another computer to try them in. one thing I did notice while I was trouble shooting is that the 24 pin power connector on the power supply seems to missing one wire, maybe not don't know if it is ment to be this way. But if you hold the connecter and you are holding it with the clip side down the 5th hole from the left does not have a wire leading to it, there are no loose wires to show that one popped out. I do not know where to go from here. One other question that I have is does this Mobo have a built in speaker to make the beep noise? I do not have any speakers as of yet tried to use headphones still no beep, also do any of these components have LED’s to light up because I did not see any during test only LED was the Power on the front.

02-03-2010, 10:49 AM
You didn't mention if you had correctly conected the case connections to the MOBO. Unless the Sonata changed, it will not have a "beep". Other than that, the tiny wires connected to the case should be connected to the MOBO. Double check that before you go any further.

02-03-2010, 10:53 AM
Yes I did connect them and I double checked them with the manual thinking that might be why the reset button didn't work. If the case wont give a beep how can I find out if there is a boot error by the type of beep code. Would head phones in the headphone jack allow for me to hear the beep?

02-03-2010, 11:22 AM
It could very well be that I'm thinking of the wrong case as far as no post beep.

The more experienced posters will be on later today. They'll give you better advice.

02-03-2010, 03:07 PM
You should get a beep; what revision number, 1.0 or 1.1 is your mobo -- look on your box or your mobo has a number on it and will also show the rev #. Not sure where your speaker is; do not see it in the manual, but I will keep looking.

I assume you have Earthwatts 500 watt supply. From the PSU to the mobo, you have two connectors, a 24 pin and a 8 pin. OR you (according to rev1.1 GB user manual) could have a 20 pin and 4 pin mobo connector. In any event, whether you will have a large 20 or 24 pin connector but also a 8 pin or 4 pin connector from the PSU they both must be plugged in. Whether it is 8 pin or 4 pin it must be plugged into your "appropriate" mobo matching connector -- look at your manual and the mobo connector layout. Look at pages 7, 11, 21 and 22 in the rev 1.1 manual ( I am looking at an online GB Rev 1.1 manual).

The 4 pin or the 8 pin connector is PSU to the CPU and must be plugged in or the CPU will not work.

Check to see if you have on board video; if not your GPU card must be plugged in to get video.

A couple of months ago, someone else had identical symptoms; problem was the small 4 pin or 8 pin PSU to mobo power connector not plugged in.

02-03-2010, 07:54 PM
Your Sonata III has a speaker in the case front panel; in my Sonata case, the two wires that go up to the speaker are orange and black. These two wires, from the front panel, plug into a header on my Asus mobo.

Regardless of the Rev. Gigabyte mobo you have, the page in the manual is the same. Page 26, Para 11, F (for Front Panel Header). On this page there is a para label "Speak" for speaker and they clearly state "speaker on your front panel".

I would have bet my speaker was on my mobo, was certain I had seen it!! Using my Asus book, I determined what I said above about the Sonata case. Found exactly the same data in the two online manuals for your Gigabyte mobo.

I found nothing in my Antec booklet about any of the above. I do have beeps, always have.

A later EDIT To finish up the speaker mystery, my Asus book says..." ....for the chassis-mounted system warning speaker". The Gigabyte book says ". . . . connects to speaker on the chassis front panel". Neither really say the speaker comes with the case; I did see some other forum comments about this that simply said, small speakers for this problem were available as separate items. The Gigabyte manual refers to the "chassis front panel" which means the case.

02-03-2010, 09:26 PM
The missing wire . . "going to 5th hole on left", compare the location on the mobo connector to the missing wire pin on the cable using your manual, mobo layout clearly shows the mobo connector and labels each pin for a specific voltage or a ground point or pin. If the pin with the missing wire lines up with a pin on the mobo connector labeled "gnd" for ground, I would not worry about it. The connector and the cable came from the PSU folks and they would not make a mistake there. The ground is simply taken care of on another pin or on the 4 or 8 pin extra plug.

02-07-2010, 10:49 AM
OK so I found the problem I am an idiot I forgot to plug in the 8 pin power connector. Well I guess we live we learn. thanks for all the help and advise

02-07-2010, 02:21 PM
Glad you got it fixed. Be thankful it was "an omission" rather than a real problem!! I would rather have that kind of problem anytime compared to a real breakdown type problem. You learned from it; all benefit, no downside!!