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View Full Version : Getting Too Cocky!

11-21-2009, 10:30 PM
I've been feeling a little too confident in my skills lately. Decided to try overclocking my i7 860 & UD4P to 3.36 Ghz. All going well, booted & sat at idle for about 4 hours. Ran prime95 to see how high the temps would get and POP! Shut down on me. Wouldn't power on at all. Not even a blink.

Let it sit for 5 min, hit the power and it came to life. Then I saw smoke coming from the CPU area and it shut down again. I couldn't tell if the sick feeling in my stomach was from the fumes or from trying to figure out how much of my baby I'd cooked.

Tried again 10 minutes later, got far enough to get into the BIOS, load fail safe defaults & reboot. Seems OK now, but I'm sh_tting my pants wondering how much damage was done. Temps are running mid 20's idle and low 50's during prime 95.


11-22-2009, 09:13 AM
Ouch Chunky. That doesn't sound good.

You have to oc in small increments. Going all the way to 3.36 right out of the gate is a 20% increase. You should try something around 3.0 first and make sure it's stable, then move up gradually.

I use a program called OCCT to check my oc. It works pretty good.

11-22-2009, 09:22 AM
Yeah, I somehow learn my lessons the hard way. I ran prime95 all night and no errors or issues. I think I'm going to hold off a while before I get back on the horse. But I appreciate the advice!