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View Full Version : Strange HDD Problem

The Wise Monkey
11-13-2009, 04:07 AM
Hi all,

Bit of backstory first: I've been running the Windows 7 RC for ages, and decided to update it to the proper version last night. I had the RC installed on a couple of WD Raptors in RAID 0, but I couldn't be bothered to find the drivers again, so I deleted the RAID array and took one of the drives out (to give to my parents).

Only problem was that the Windows installation couldn't see the remaining hard drive! It was visible in the BIOS, but nothing in the installation window.

I managed to get it visible by pressing Shift+F10 at the opening installation window when booting from the DVD to access a command prompt, and formatting the hard drive to NTFS, then creating a partition using diskpart. This allowed all the installation files to be copied properly.

However, once the PC was rebooted, it came up with an error saying BOOTMGR is missing, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart.

So, back into the windows DVD once again, open up the command prompt and run bootsect.exe /nt60 c: to install BOOTMGR. Another reboot, and now it said NTDLR is missing, so I booted from the DVD again and ran bootsect.exe /nt52 c: to install that.

The problem now is that it says "Boot from CD/DVD" and then does nothing...

So... any ideas?

11-13-2009, 02:03 PM
Just curious. Did you figure it out?

The Wise Monkey
11-13-2009, 04:05 PM
No, not yet. :(

The Wise Monkey
11-13-2009, 05:20 PM
Fixed it now. Was on the right path, but using the wrong tool. There is one called bootrec also accessible from the command prompt. Ran bootrec /fixboot and this allowed me to complete the installation. :)

Just got to get the wireless working now. xD