View Full Version : Processor help
07-07-2009, 08:22 PM
I was planning on buying this processes
But it is deactivated or sold out or something but i havent been able to get one and i was wonder if someone could help me find another one like it and maybe better. Also if you need to know my motherboard is this
07-07-2009, 09:20 PM
This is a hot item.
07-07-2009, 10:00 PM
is it any good seems ify since its so cheap and is it good for gaming?
07-07-2009, 10:21 PM
You could step up to a quad core like this
Generally, AMD runs a bit cheaper than Intel. The winner of "bang for the buck" usually goes to AMD.
It could be argued that a $100 AMD cpu is much better/faster than a $100 Intel cpu.
07-07-2009, 10:29 PM
would u recommend buying a cooling fan and also would you think the processor i was originally buy will come back in stock or not
07-08-2009, 02:19 PM
Ricky, SMurph, two things, the original 6000 125 watt has been gone for roughly a year, and its successor, 3 gig, 85 or 95 watt model is also no longer available. These were all 65 nanometer (or larger 90 nanometer?) cpus. The newer quad Ricky is recommending is newer technology and manufactured using 45 nanometer tech which is the latest for AMD and "most important" runs at 3 gig. Also, a Black Edition.
FYI Murph, the mobo you reference in your first post is also discontinued. I guess Newegg had a decent stock of the cpu and mobo and it took a long time for Newegg to sell it off!
Off the direct subject, but I have a question regards wattage. Even including the i7s, does quad core with "massive" computing power mean that 125 watt to 130 watt Quad cpus are here to stay?
07-08-2009, 02:25 PM
So what should i do as far a CPU that will run well with my motherboard and everything else i bought.
07-08-2009, 04:31 PM
Murph, I would like to clear up one thing first. The reason I jumped into your post is that I have first hand experience in looking for the 6000, 125 watt after it was replaced by a lower wattage version. I think this is over a year ago. I checked your mobo post (the first post) and find that it too is discontinued; HOWEVER, you say you do have that mobo. So I assume you got one of the last ones Newegg had in stock or the last one!! Ok, am I correct so far. Assuming I am, I am not sure I would accept that mobo from Newegg, for several reasons. We can go into those later if need be.
First, the two processors Ricky has recommended to you will work in the AM2+ mobo you have. One is dual core and one is quad.
If you knew you were buying a discontinued CPU (for about a year) and a mobo about to be discontinued (or deactivated by Newegg) -- then you did so knowingly for some good reason to you. Had you known that the CPU was no longer available from AMD, would you have gone down this road?
You might want to revisit your choice of mobo and processor at this point. Ricky's recc are based on your mobo that you have. Say you have a mobo problem and Newegg cannot replace it, what then?
I also see that this mobo is part of the Budget Build on this forum. I am just throwing out questions and concerns that I think should be considered.
Ricky Tick, Wise Monkey and other forum members follow hardware more closely than I do, so I would defer to them on specific hardware recommendations.
I am not trying to confuse issues, but my main concern is that you intended to buy a cpu that I believe AMD stopped making some time ago. Just want you to get it all straightened out in a manner or process that really suits you.
07-08-2009, 05:09 PM
Ok so the reason i have that old motherboard is because i started this build about a year ago unfortunately. I started by asking all these questions about parts and came up with a list and got everything except the operating system, CPU and graphics card. As i was trying to buy my CPU it kept going out of stock then there would be some but i didnt have the money. So more time went on as i waited and everything time there was some i didnt have the money so i forgot about it and focus on school and stuff and now that i have some money i was hoping to buy the rest of the parts but now i find out that my motherboard is old (which i was not aware because all i did was start a thread and ask people wat was good). So the motherboard has not even been opened since i bought it. Now i do not know what to do about a CPU. So help is appreciated. And i know buying parts one at a time then stoping was a bad idea but thats how it happened so now im stuck wehre i am.
07-08-2009, 05:58 PM
I can just make a couple of quick comments. The delay has caused some confusion; however, that said, you do have an AM2+ motherboard which will accept the Quad core processor that Ricky Tick recommended; this may not have been an option you had when you started out. Just a point that says they may be a benefit to the delay.
The dual core processor is cheaper and runs at less wattage, 95 watts vs 125 watts for the quad; not sure this is a difference worth considering. Seems like a big difference in price between the quad and the dual cores that Ricky mentioned.
As far as your mobo being current, Gigabyte can tell you if you contact them direct. Also, not sure what responsibility Newegg has at this point; their terms and conditions of sale (or whoever you brought it from) will state exactly how long they have some responsibility and what that responsibility is!
Hope some other forum members will weigh in soon. Your situation is a little unusual.
07-08-2009, 06:02 PM
Thanks i just wanna find a CPU that will work with everything i already have. And honestly if the motherboard breaks or something i probably will just get a new one. Also one thing that worries me is the wattage idk if my power supply is capable or has enough connectors for the quad CPU but also i dont know that much about computer hardware.
07-08-2009, 06:11 PM
What is your PSU wattage and what is your video card? Also, what kind of case?
07-09-2009, 03:44 PM
this is everything i already have
07-10-2009, 01:59 PM
Little more complicated than it seems at first, but here goes on comments based on research, not actual experience with these components.
1. 600 watt OCZ, PSU. Enough wattage, quality name and quality mfg.
2. Memory looks ok, except that mobo and probably cpu choosen can take a step up to DDR2 1066. Gigabyte, on their mobo pages has a link to "Memory Support List" which is a list of vendors products they have tested for compatability with the mobo. The OCZ Fatality Edition 4GB is not on that list. I saw one review where memory had to be changed, and the OVL (Qualified Vendor List) was mentioned.
3. Older mobo has good reviews, but is an initial version coming out around March 2008 based on Newegg first reviews. Most reviews on the first version used a AMD dual core CPU. Latest version (Wise Monkey's budget build) entered market about Jan/Feb 2009 by Newegg reviews. This version should probably be used for a Phenom Quad cpu.
The reason I say dual core in one case and Quad in the other is that AMD Quads were probably not abundant in the market during the intial mobo introduction period (this is an assumption, I did not research it, but I was buying my first build -AMD 5600 cpu - parts in March 2008 -- do not really remember quads back then). Just how much real time experience with today's AMD Phenom did the first version of the mobo ever get ???
4. Case probably ok, look at reviews if there is concern.
5. DVD / CD choice is for a "Read only" device, meaning you cannot burn either a DVD or a CD, only view and listen to the DVD, and listen to the CD -- no burning! If you want to burn them, use Rob's RW DVD/CD choice in his "build list".
6. Western Digital HD, sata connector, should be fine. Did not really look at it.
7. Video Card, almost forgot. Either mobo has integrated graphics and the reviews were ok on this. If Murph wants to "do gaming", then he should consider a video card, probably the one in Wise Monkeys Budget build list.
8. Last but certainly not least: The OS. Should be Vista Home Premium 64 bit, OEM; or Windows 7 64 bit, if it makes sense right now.
Final comment: I have no real experience with Gigabyte. Wise Monkey wrote the budget build, I think; I know he thinks a lot of Gigabyte and the reviews I read for the older mobo and the newest support his opinion.
If Murph has a year old or older mobo still in the box, and if the CPU choice is AMD dual core Kuma or Phenom Quad , this should be debated within the forum to reach a consensus conclusion on CPU with what mobo, assuming Murph might want to upgrade to the newer version because $ are not that big.
Sorry, earlier existing mobo . . . S2HP with dual core AMD Kuma; Kuma dual core apx $ 62; later GB ... US2H mobo, $ 74 plus Phenom II X4 Deneb $ 185. Difference: new GB mobo plus AMD X4 cost about $ 197 more. Extra dollars are somewhat larger!
07-11-2009, 12:42 PM
so do i need to maybe replace my motherboard
The Wise Monkey
07-11-2009, 01:20 PM
OK, I'm sensing some confusion here. Do you already own that motherboard, or are you planning on buying it?
07-11-2009, 01:53 PM
this is everything i already have
this is what he posted
07-11-2009, 02:21 PM
so do i need to maybe replace my motherboard
Your motherboard is fine. You just need a decent processor. How bout this dual core
or this quad core
07-11-2009, 05:20 PM
honestly i dont really know the differences in a quad or a dual besides one is faster than the other and can handle more stuff, other than that is it just preference and price that i have to think bout?
I have the same mother board with the 7750 dual core CPU and it is a great combo. Go for the dual core, it is only 61 bucks, add a video card in the future if you need more power for gaming and feel good about having a budget system that rocks!
07-12-2009, 10:54 AM
I have the same mother board with the 7750 dual core CPU and it is a great combo. Go for the dual core, it is only 61 bucks, add a video card in the future if you need more power for gaming and feel good about having a budget system that rocks!
There you have it Smurph, a real testimonial. Thanks rexh. :)
07-12-2009, 04:33 PM
thanks for the help guys i know it took awhile.
ok two questions
1. should i get a cooling fan for the CPU
2. is this still a good video card or is it also old
07-12-2009, 04:48 PM
It comes with a heatsink.
That particular video card is obsolete, but the 4670 is still readily available.
07-12-2009, 05:23 PM
k thanks for all the help
so this is a good card
07-12-2009, 05:56 PM
Sure, that would be fine. There are better cards out there. It all depends on how much you're willing to spend, and what you use the computer for. Not to add more confusion, but this is a really nice card for just a few dollars more.
07-12-2009, 06:59 PM
well im looking to do gaming so i want a good card
07-12-2009, 07:16 PM
Like I said, it all really depends on how much you want to spend.
4830 ~$75
4850 ~$100
4870 ~$125
As the numbers go up, so does the performance abilities, and therefore the price. Check for deals, watch for free shipping, take advantage of mail in rebates.
Hope that helps.
07-12-2009, 09:37 PM
so these are pretty good ones too
07-12-2009, 10:29 PM
I did notice that the reviews on the MSI card were not very good.
You're definately on the right track now.
07-13-2009, 11:26 AM
well i figured i got about 130 for the video card because im trying to only use money i made of ebay and i found these cards and it looks pretty good to me can i get a second opition.
07-13-2009, 10:24 PM
The Sapphire 4850 1gb looks like a winner.
07-14-2009, 10:37 AM
that one cuz the only problem i have with that is that there r 2 review sayin it doesnt run well with Wow and thats a game i was looking to play
07-14-2009, 10:48 AM
Well, if you're not comfortable with it, just go with the 512mb version. It will play WOW with no problem.
07-14-2009, 10:53 AM
Do u think that the WoW problems has to do with the card itself or just happened for some reason to those 2?
o yeah just to check is this the OS i should be getting?
07-14-2009, 11:00 AM
I really doubt it was the card that caused those people to have problems with wow. WOW is not very demanding on system hardware. That's one of the reasons why it's so popular.
That's the right OS.
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