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View Full Version : Installin new direct x

11-12-2008, 10:12 PM
I have a game that just recently updated to the newest version of Direct X. The game is Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. I run the game off STEAM server. The site it sends me to to download is. http://www.gamesforwindows.com/en-US/AboutGFW/Pages/DirectX10.aspx

I verify my OS and then I download a dxwebsetup file to run the install of the direct X. When I agree to terms and try to download I get a direct X message that says setup could not download this file. Please try again later or check network connection. I have tried for 10 hours now. Uninstallin the downloader and reinstalling and trying over and over and over again. Could this be a problem with my firewall? I have no idea where to even start. Please help if you can. Thank you, Treavor

The Wise Monkey
11-13-2008, 07:14 AM
Try downloading the offline installer:
