View Full Version : Help me price up a build lads!
Jamie Nixx
10-31-2008, 04:07 PM
Well Ricky and WM my two compadre's, long time no see.
Anyway, i have still been at it all these months, now started my new course at college, awesome stuff.
Got a build i am selling to fund a Laptop and need some help pricing her up for sale.
Antec 900
Asus P5N-E
2GB XMS2 Memory
Hiper Type R 580w
300GB Samsung SATA HDD
Lite On SATA DVD/RW w/ Litescribe
Asus VW191s 19'' LCD Gaming monitor
Z-Board Merc
Logitech G5
Logitech X-530 5.1 Speakers
Plus a ton of games.
Oh and finally, a fresh, brand new install of Windows Vista Home Premium will be installed.
As you can tell, its basically my old parts i use to recommend that i don't use anymore.
Still a Powerhouse IMO, Plays Crysis on High with the new patches, Warhead works flawlessly.
I was thinking of asking around £450, too high? Yay or Nay.
Cheers lads :D
The Wise Monkey
11-01-2008, 09:41 AM
Hey man, long time no see, how have you been?
That sounds like a bargain to be honest. You could probably get away with charging a bit more - depends on how much of a friend they are. :D
Jamie Nixx
11-01-2008, 10:18 AM
Your joking right? Bargain? :eek:
I thought i was charging too much...:confused:
Might up it to £500 then and get myself a really nice Laptop.
How have you been anyway?
11-01-2008, 04:31 PM
Hey Jamie. Hope school is going great. Glad to see you drop by.
If you're including the monitor, I think 500 BP sounds reasonable, but I don't have a good sense for prices in the UK. The WM could be more help than me, I just wanted to say hi. :D
11-04-2008, 10:39 PM
Yeah, if you can you might want to post the price in American dollars too.
The Wise Monkey
11-05-2008, 05:08 AM
£450 = $712.67
Jamie Nixx
11-11-2008, 05:18 PM
Thanks lads.
I need a price for the desktop on its own now :D
I was going to charge £500 for everything bare in mind.
The Wise Monkey
11-11-2008, 06:38 PM
I'd still say around £400, maybe £375 if you are feeling generous. Bear in mind (correct spelling btw :p) that this was a top quality system last year, and would cost quite a bit to buy new. Heck, even the peripherals would cost £200-300.
Except the 7900GTX, as you can't buy that any more. :D
11-15-2008, 04:50 AM
If you are trying to sell to people who know about computer 500-600 would be a good deal, people who just buy whatever dell has would be willing to pay more.
The price is in USD, idk about British pounds.
Nice to see you Jamie, long time no see.
Jamie Nixx
01-18-2009, 01:48 PM
Well its the New Year and this is going within the next two weeks, i have already got another computer up for basic needs such as the Internet etc.
I decided to split the lot and sell the big things individually.
I also decided to remove my HDD from the PC prior to selling.
WM if you could give me a rough figure to charge for the Tower minus the HDD that would be great, i was looking at about £250...
01-18-2009, 03:28 PM
Hey Jamie. Nice to see you again. Hope school is going well.
Take care.
Jamie Nixx
01-18-2009, 04:06 PM
Thanks Ricky, its going ok :)
Hope you have all been well.
The Wise Monkey
01-18-2009, 05:16 PM
Why not buy a cheap HD off ebay for about £15-20, then sell the whole lot for about £300? You would be much better off selling the system ready to go as opposed to selling it without a HD.
Hell, there's a 160GB IDE drive on for 99p at the moment. :D
Jamie Nixx
01-19-2009, 08:55 AM
To be honest WM i would rather sell it with the HDD, but someone said its best not as even formatted discs can have data recovered off them.
So now i am thinking of Zero'ing my HDD using Kill disk or a similar program, i don't need the HDD at all.
Jamie Nixx
01-19-2009, 09:00 AM
Oh yeah, i also wanted you to cast your eyes on this Lappy, i was originally going to go for a Dell but this popped up yesterday and to be honest the specs blow all the Dells away for the price.
The Wise Monkey
01-19-2009, 10:06 AM
Oddly enough, I was looking to get that exact same laptop - my current P3 tablet is giving up the ghost, even with Linux installed. If you still wanted a Dell, PCWorld are doing a good deal on an Inspiron 1545 at the moment:
If you want to buy (or "obtain") Kill Disk Professional, then it is compliant with the highest government standards; the free version is more than good enough for consumer usage, unless your other job as an MI6 informant meant that you had to keep sensitive information on there. :p
01-19-2009, 10:07 AM
That looks nice Jamie, especially for the price. Too bad it doesn't come with a 7200rpm hard drive, but that's probably not a big deal.
Jamie Nixx
01-19-2009, 10:17 AM
Oddly enough, I was looking to get that exact same laptop - my current P3 tablet is giving up the ghost, even with Linux installed. If you still wanted a Dell, PCWorld are doing a good deal on an Inspiron 1545 at the moment:
If you want to buy (or "obtain") Kill Disk Professional, then it is compliant with the highest government standards; the free version is more than good enough for consumer usage, unless your other job as an MI6 informant meant that you had to keep sensitive information on there. :p
Sshh please!!!!! :p :D
How does it work, do i run it off the Desktop and then do it that way or do i have to boot it?
I like the Inspiron, but the Asus has a decent GPU, quite capable of playing games, plus i hate Dell! :D
But its the exact same spec and it also probably has True Life display as well, i might pop into my local PC world and have a butchers, i am looking at spending around £400, i just hope i make enough from selling my old gear.
And it should be ok Ricky, its standard Lappy speed anyway :)
The Wise Monkey
01-19-2009, 10:58 AM
You can run Kill Disk either way, but it is best to boot it from a CD - booting it from Windows is used to clean up free space and stuff like that.
I'm trying to decide what to buy at the moment. I have about £400 to spend as well, but I'm not sure if I should get a laptop, upgrade my PC or buy a new HDTV. Will probably go for the TV as I'm moving into a new place at the end of the month and I'm fed up of running my PS3 though one of my monitors. xD
Jamie Nixx
01-26-2009, 03:19 PM
I am going to go for a new TV as well, my CRT is giving up, i have only had it for a year :rolleyes:
There is a new twist in this sale WM, the PC now has a BFG 8800GT in it as apose to the 7900GTX :eek:
Care to give me a price mate of what you would think is fair?
The Wise Monkey
01-26-2009, 04:34 PM
You'll have to be fairly quick if you are going to sell it - even moderately tech savvy people will be aware of some of the latest tech developments, so it will be harder to persuade people to part with their cash, especially in these times of recession.
That being said, you could charge an extra £20-35 more for the new card - it still pulls its weight with the newer generation.
Jamie Nixx
04-28-2009, 11:56 AM
Still haven't sold this :p
And in this time, i have actually saved up enough money to buy a better Laptop than i wanted anyway :rolleyes:
But my room needs redecorating and i also need a new TV, so now the beasty has to go, as its holding up things now.
I have a final price in mind for the computer on its own with a new 320GB HDD and thats £350 for the tower minus the OS or any periphs, but i will be including the games i own as part of that deal.
Partly the reason i haven't sold it is because i wanted to buy things to add to it to make it more appealing to a potential buyer, but this would just probably end up with me losing money so i thought feck it and just get rid now.
The Wise Monkey
04-28-2009, 01:43 PM
Yeah, that sounds about right now. :)
What have you been up to for the past 3 months?
Jamie Nixx
04-29-2009, 10:12 AM
Just college to be honest WM, football etc, haven't really been doing the Computer stuff hence my neglect of the forums (Sorry :( )
The PC is on ebay now, just listed it. I put a Buy it now of £350 with £30 for delivery as this thing weighs a ton an half!!
Collection preferred however, plus i also put a best offer thing on there, who wants to bet i get stupid offer of £100 or something? :rolleyes:
I found the Laptop i want
Looks great for the price and should serve me well!
The Wise Monkey
04-29-2009, 11:09 AM
Probably, but you can always reject offers if they are unreasonably low.
Laptop looks good as well - great price.
Glad to hear that college is going well too. :)
Jamie Nixx
04-29-2009, 01:38 PM
College is going ok, i finish in June, still got a lot of Coursework to catch up on, i am so lazy!
I might be working in the city for the Careers Academy UK providing my Interview goes ok, its a 6 week paid Internship at some top firms, then i have a bit left of holidays and then its back for year 2 hopefully.
Laptop looks superbly priced, full HD screen too, lots of memory, C2D etc!
Just out of curiosity, do you have any idea how long the 9 cell Laptop batts last? I was thinking about getting one as 6 cells only seem to last about 2-3 hours!
The Wise Monkey
04-29-2009, 02:11 PM
Sounds good - good luck with the interview. :D
I'm planning on going back to University to get an MSc in Forensic Computing at some point within the near future, so I have that to look forward to.
It depends on the laptop as to how long the battery will last - my netbook last 3 hours on a 4 cell batter, and can last 8 hours on a 9 cell. However, that has a very low power consumption compared to normal laptops.
For something with that spec, the standard 6 cell will only last about 2.5 hours. A 9 cell might last 4, depending on usage.
Jamie Nixx
05-03-2009, 10:28 AM
Forensic computing sounds good, might have to look it up!
I sold the PC btw, i decided to the let the tower alone go for £300, to be fair, i am still making a profit on it considering i built it almost 2 years ago.
Something doesn't sit right with the buyer however, i marked the auction as Collection only, that way the guy can see the PC working albeit without an OS, yet he is arranging a courier :rolleyes:
I assumed it would be cash on collection also, so how i am going to get paid is beyond me, tell you what, nothing is leaving my house until i get the monies...
I am also stuck in the situation of waiting for his approval of the PC before i can actually buy my Laptop...
The Wise Monkey
05-03-2009, 11:09 AM
Yeah, don't give anything away until you have the money in your hand/account. I'd also advise against buying the laptop for the moment in case the buyer isn't legit and you are stuck with the PC and no money. XD
Jamie Nixx
05-03-2009, 03:25 PM
Well he has got back to me with house and mobile numbers so it should be OK, he is sending payment at the weekend which will give me time to prep it for him.
Only problem i have is that the original box was so huge i threw it away :rolleyes:
Oh well if it ends up looking like the marshmellow man wrapped in FRAGILE tape then i suppose it doesn't really matter as long as it gets there safely :D
The Wise Monkey
05-04-2009, 03:31 PM
Haha, true - I had some old wireless access points to sell, but had no packaging stuff, so I found an old box and filled it with torn up bits of newspaper. xD
Jamie Nixx
05-17-2009, 12:18 PM
Hi WM, well, the sale went south :rolleyes:
The guy said he broke up with his wife and made his apologies...
So i had to relist and its still on there, lots of interest but nothing yet.
On a more positive not, a Laptop came up on another forum and i am going to buy it, its a Toshiba satellite pro A300-1FZ, it needs a HDD but i don't mind buying one, plus it comes with a copy of windows XP :D
Not bad for £150 i think.
Anyway mate, while i am here, i need a question answered.
Challenges businesses will face due to continuous development in I.T., have found a couple but i am stumped, any help would be appreciated :)
The Wise Monkey
05-17-2009, 01:56 PM
Hah, I am encountering a few in my current workplace...
1. Training - always keeping people up to date with the latest software
2. Tech Support - related to training; must be able to deal with hardware and software issues
3. Compatability issues with current software - will the latest OS/browser support our current stuff?
4. Money - can they afford the latest and greatest? Will they set up a rolling PC replacement scheme i.e. every PC gets replaced every 2-3 years.
5. Increasing minimum specs for software - related to money issues
6. Stubbornness of staff - this is a real pita to deal with!
There's 6 to be getting on with; I'm sure you can think of a few more.
Laptop sounds good btw, shame about the PC, but I'm sure it will sell eventually. :)
Jamie Nixx
05-17-2009, 02:14 PM
So awesome WM, i will be back to ask you more at this rate :D
Yeah it was a shame, but this time i have stated it is collection and collection only, i have a few people interested and there are about 3 watchers, considering i bought the Laptop for £150, i am willing to settle for a little bit less than £300 for the PC, it only has about 7 hours left now, i hope it sells.
Laptop, providing all it needs is a HDD, is a bargain, 2GB RAM, Core 2 Duo CPU, new charger etc.
Definately a decent price :)
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