View Full Version : Computer freezed after install open box CPU E8400
10-29-2008, 03:24 AM
Hi guys! I just bought an open box intel core 2 duo E8400. I wonder if theres anything wrong with it. Cuz after installed my computer does run so fast...i really love it. But the problem is that sometimes it freezes. Seems like it freeze every 5 minutes...not exactly but ...yeah! Or maybe cuz its too hot ? the tempurature is CPU: 34 F, GPU 180 F. Or i have to exchange it?
10-29-2008, 10:15 AM
Your CPU couldn't possibly run at 34 degrees Farenheit. You must mean Celcius. In which case, does that mean your GPU is getting to 180 F or C. idk
Either way, something is wrong with those temp readings. Try downloading and running a program called Real Temp 2.0.
10-29-2008, 03:03 PM
well what can i do next? Cuz i really love this processor...or just cuz my computer is old( 2 years motherboard)..make computer freeze sometimes? Not freezing like the whole time.....but because i dont want any lagging in my pc.
The Wise Monkey
10-29-2008, 07:29 PM
Try downloading the latest BIOS update for your motherboard. If it is two years old, then the BIOS will not have been built to support the latest 45nm architecture. Go to your motherboard manufacturer's website, and you should find instructions on how to flash the BIOS to the latest version.
10-30-2008, 10:18 PM
yeah...i just found out that my motherboard doesnt support i should update my bios? But is it one time only? Cuz later if i format my hard drive to install a new fresh windows...Do i have to flash it again or not? Because i always reinstall windows when my pc is lagging or whatever.
The Wise Monkey
10-31-2008, 04:38 AM
The BIOS is part of the motherboard and is completely separate from your OS, so will not be affected no matter how many times you re-install. Make sure you know what you are doing before flashing the BIOS though, as it could screw up your motherboard - follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly.
10-31-2008, 10:47 AM
hi wise monkey...ok here is my motherboard manufactorer website. I want to update my bios but dont know which one to download. Can you help me out?
The Wise Monkey
11-01-2008, 08:35 AM
Unfortunately, it seems as if your motherboard doesn't support that CPU no matter what BIOS version you have. If you check out the CPU Support List (on the right hand side of that page you linked to) it shows that the best CPU it can support is a QX6800, and it doesn't offer any support for the newest CPU architecture.
So you have 2 choices really - new CPU or new motherboard. I wouldn't recommend carrying on using it like it is as you may end up having to replace both of them. What I suggest is getting a new motherboard. It doesn't have to be really expensive, but just make sure that it supports your CPU.
If you still have your old CPU, you could probably sell your CPU/mobo combination on eBay to recoup some of your money. :)
11-02-2008, 01:12 AM
:( its time to replace motherboard....oh my god wise monkey.
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