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View Full Version : IMPORTANT: WARNING. Illegal Microsoft Anti Virus Pop up AD.

10-11-2008, 06:49 AM
This is a short thread but all should read it. About 40 minutes ago, I open a North Carolina artist's website on Google, and immediately got a "full page" Microsoft Official looking page for Antivirus 2009, claiming I had 62 infections and a Trojan whatever. Wanted me to open it, let it scan my computer, etc.. and buy it!!

I opened another window for Yahoo answers and the first post was telling me that this was a "rogue" microsoft impersonation.

Could not close any of the three or four windows that kept reappearing when I tried to close any of them. Never opened any file, etc.. Finally just turned this computer off and rebooted.

Here is the funny part and how to be certain it is a "rogue". One of the small dialogue windows, labeled "Windows Internet Explorer" said exactly as follows: "Dont close this window if your want you PC to be clean." (if you did not catch the bad english grammar, it is the use of "your" and "you" in reverse order: this from an official Windows site?)

The quotes are mine, the rest is the exact dialogue in the small window. Again it is a very official looking Microsoft site but it is a rogue.

10-11-2008, 07:22 AM
Thanks for the heads up. I saw that on Yahoo yesterday too.