View Full Version : FSB ratings and processor upgrade

10-09-2008, 01:49 AM
Good afternoon all,

I was planning this month to build a new box, but decided to wait a month due to security of finances reasons for myself.

I have a custom built piece of junk hand me down.

Mobo: Biostar M7VIT KT400 chipset
RAM: PC2700 DDR 333mhz 1.0gb
CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2400+

These should be enough stats to understand what I am posting.

I am wanting to upgrade to a new processor.
I have read from Biostar that this thing can support 266,333, and maybe a 400mhz fsb. So I was thinking of upgrading to a Athlon Xp 2900+, or 3000+.

Here are my questions: How do you find what DDR speed you need for fsb with AMD processors? Is it still fsb divided by 2, or multiplied by 1/2? so 400mhz fsb = 200mhz DDR? If so, does it go off the real clock, or effective clock? My real clock is 133mhz (DDR), and effective clock 267mhz (reading from adida32).

Reason for the upgrade is I don't want to build a new box yet, and I found a huge problem with my cpu. The L2 cache is shot, meaning it doesn't work, if you enable it, it will give me Blue screens of death for no end. I have the L1 or internal cache on currently, and every once in a while I get a BSOD (blue screen of blue) or pag fault error, or some weird chars on my screen in japanese flashing in rainbow colors. So yea, the guy who had it before me was a moron, but freebies are free so we.

Sorry for the long post, let me know what cpu should work, and the fsb to DDR ram ratio thing.
