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View Full Version : Vista is awesome!!!

04-19-2007, 04:15 AM
As you may already know my dad's old computer broke about 1 week ago and now he has his new computer that he bought (I wanted to build it for him but he's an old fashioned guy and it doesn't help with my mom not knowing what in the hell she is talking about filling my dad with non-existant problems with computers. An example would be: "If Derek messes up installing a TV Tuner on the computer he just might completely destroy the computer". Which the only way that could be possible is if I had a fucking seizure while doing it and it caused the pci slot in the motherboard to just break off and even that is nearly impossible.). Well after we unpacked it, more or less I unpacked it; because I wanted to, I got on it when I am not suppose to because my dad wants to "see how to set it up" well I already set it up so I could use it for homework without having to use our computer that is on the next floor. I am going to lie to him and say that they pre-installed all of this, yes my parents are that stupid when it comes to technological terms that they can believe just about anything I say about computers. I could say that the hard drive is broken when everything is working fine and they would beleve me. Moving on when I turned on the computer I noticed the nice looking backround. Set it up (very very time consuming took me a max of 5 minutes and thats dramatically overestimating). After downloading all of the drivers this thing comes with some really good features. I really love the 3d chess and the gadgets are cool too. Now I can check the weather, time, date, and any headlines at the same time as doing something on my desktop. I also like the windows media center feature because of I love being able to record shows, not enought to pay for Tivo, but enough for a TV tuner. My dad wants a tv tuner for the radio features my mom wants it for the composite connections (yellow white red) and I like it for the TV so we all win there. Lastly, Rob was right about the massive amounts of eyecandy you can find . I still am finding cool things as I go.

04-19-2007, 09:24 AM
Many problems with Vista 64 bit


04-19-2007, 03:46 PM
Glad to hear that you like it. All that I had heard before is that it's all looks, and nothing is really significantly different.

Cool to hear it worked out for you.

04-19-2007, 11:05 PM
Many problems with Vista 64 bit


Well this is vista 32-bit I still don't see what is the point in a 64-bit operating system.

Glad to hear that you like it. All that I had heard before is that it's all looks, and nothing is really significantly different.

Cool to hear it worked out for you.

Then again I didn't build it myself. Dell did because, as I said, my dad is a person who doesn't think I know enough about computers.

After day two's usage:

Well I found out that I need a better wireless network for my Xbox 360 to be a "media center extender" and so I can't watch Tv off of my dad's computer just yet. (he will be setting a password on it soon, and I will take his very own video camera and video tape him entering his password, or I will download a keylogger)

Another thing is that the DELL wireless rear speaers suck when it comes down to lag.

The computer is noisier than expected but mainly because there is a 120mm fan in the front with a honeycomb grating so and is made so weirdly that I can hear when the hard drive is acessing something, and it pretty audible.