View Full Version : memory question

08-15-2008, 06:20 PM
I am looking at memory options for the build that I previously posted on (see below).

I am considering the following:
CORSAIR XMS3 DHX 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 ($235)

OCZ Reaper HPC 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 ($250)

or the 1333 versions of the same.

The only difference seems to be the Cas Latency and timing which are 7, 7-7-7-24 for OCZ and 9, 9-9-9-24 for the Corsair. The 1333 version of the OCZ has 6, 6-6-6-20 while the Corsair has again 9, 9-9-9-24. I really don't know enough about this to understand the difference and would appreciate it if someone would enlighten me. Which gives better performance?

My motherboard has a DDR3 1600 standard, but the FSB on the CPU is only 1333, so am I maxing out bandwidth at 1333 and should not bother with 1600?

Advice is appreciated as always!!



Here is my build so far:
Case: Antec 1200 (already got this on sale at MicroCenter $139)

PSU: CORSAIR CMPSU-750TX 750W ATX12V (already purchased for $99)

MOBO: GIGABYTE GA-EP45T-DS3R LGA 775 (already purchased newegg for $175)

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 Yorkfield 2.83GHz (available newegg for $340)

CPU cooler: OCZ Vendetta 2 Universal CPU Cooler (already purchased microcenter $35)

The Wise Monkey
08-15-2008, 07:35 PM
The lower latency is better, so that OCZ sounds like a very good deal. It depends how big the price difference is between the 16000 and 13333 versions - if it is not that much, then there is no harm in going for the higher speed. It won't affect performance, put it does mean that you can get the most out of it if you decide to overclock your motherboard or upgrade it in the future.

08-15-2008, 07:48 PM
Thanks for the advice. The OCZ 1333 lists for $220 after rebate and so is a bit cheaper.

The OCZ 1333 has a latency of 6, does that mean that it will perform better with this MOBO and CPU than the 1600 with latency 7, since the CPU has a 1333 FSB? The MOBO is set up for 1600 DDR3, but I am not sure what the point of that is if the FSB is 1333. I suppose that is for overclocking?


The Wise Monkey
08-16-2008, 08:33 AM
The short answer is yes, it will perform a lot better. :)

If the mobo can only support 1333 RAM, then anything higher than that will only run at that lower speed, so there is no real need to have anything higher.