View Full Version : comments please :P
08-11-2008, 03:26 PM
CPU: (need info about the fan :P)
Video card: or :s
RAM: (2x)
Hard drive:
Power Supply:
Gona buy this after I get back home
I know I still need coolers and DVD-R but didnt look into that yet
dunno about the motherboard and video card but they seem great, what do you experts think? :P
The Wise Monkey
08-11-2008, 06:31 PM
Check out this Useful Links thread for CPU coolers:
08-11-2008, 08:21 PM
I think its time to move up to the P45 motherboard. It has taken its place as the mainstream mobo. Here a couple of great choices.
This processor is a step above for only $10 more
This is a better video card for the same money
This 4850 is only $158 after rebate and has free shipping
You're going to need at least DDR2 800 ram like this
Thats an excellent psu, but you might be happier with a modular psu for the better cable management. Somethink like this.
08-11-2008, 09:44 PM
The XFX 9800GTX Black Edition ( and EVGA 9800GTX SC edition ( have massive stock overclocks, and is still a fraction better than the new 9800GTX+s at stock.
08-11-2008, 11:31 PM
ok so how reliable is newegg? heard some people didnt get the stuff they ordered..
seeing your posts I'd get E8500
was aiming more for the XFX 9800 GTX black edition but seeing HD 4850 is 40$ cheaper I am wondering how good that one is :S still think I Will stay with XFX 9800 GTX dont really know the real difference bettwen Video cards, same with ram
I mean I understand one is faster than another but dont know how big is the difference with 100 mhz >_>
why are those mobos better? I saw that mobo in your other post 'top noch' and it has 2 PCI express slots which I thought might be usefull if I am ever gona dual box a video card >_< (dont know much yet sorry, still learning :P)
I Read modular psu use less cables, is that the case or I read wrong? that sounds good, and would 520 W be enough for me or is this better ?
sorry for all the questions, just really need to know :P
08-12-2008, 02:54 AM
Newegg is by far one of the best online computer part websites in the world. Their parts are internationally price competitive, and is an ideal choice for shoppers in the states, as they give "mail-in rebate" discounts on the products.
4850 has an excellent performance/cost ratio, the 9800GTXs have slightly higher specs which is why they cost a bit more. For video cards, generally assume the more it costs that better it will generally perform.
The motherboards that Ricky has suggested have higher bus speeds which allow its components to run faster, hence increasing performance. They are generally the mainstream purchases made today, and while your original selection is also an excellent board, the motherboards he suggested will last longer and wont be outdated as quickly. Paying the few extra dollars will allow you to upgrade your parts overtime rather than buying a completely new rig in future.
A standard rig will have more than enough power with a 520W psu. The Corsair 520/620HX are generally what superPC recommend as good quality power supplies that are modular and reasonable in price. Generally a standard system with one video card will suffice with a 520W PSU, but if you start using multiple video cards and installing multiple components (hard drives, optical drives etc) you may want to upgrade your powersupply to around 800-1000 to ensure there is sufficient power for the computer to sustain operation. The high end single graphics cards these days are also increasingly demanding more power.
The Wise Monkey
08-12-2008, 07:44 AM
If you want to go for the 9800GTX, you need a PSU with at least one 8-pin PCI-e power adapter; for example, the Corsair 650/750TX.
08-12-2008, 11:43 AM
a friend told me I should get this card, but it seems to me the 9800 GTX is still better a bit confused now >_<
what is the xxx edition? >_>
been looking at the p45 mobos and think I'll go with this one althou I am unsure since it says it supports only crossfire, if I get 2 9800 GTX thats SLI right? so it wont support it? :S
08-12-2008, 01:20 PM
a friend told me I should get this card, but it seems to me the 9800 GTX is still better a bit confused now >_<
what is the xxx edition? >_>
been looking at the p45 mobos and think I'll go with this one althou I am unsure since it says it supports only crossfire, if I get 2 9800 GTX thats SLI right? so it wont support it? :S
The 9800GTX is FAR better than that 9600GT.
Yes, the P45 motherboard does support Crossfire, but not SLI. If you're considering SLI, then we'll need to look at totally different motherboards.
The Asus P5Q Pro that you linked to is an excellent choice for a P45.
08-12-2008, 02:46 PM
I'll probably go with the 9800 GTX black edition so SLI is my option
I dont intend to use 2 GPU yet but better have my options open no? :P
so I should look for something like this? did just a quick search atm as I dont have much time right now
The Wise Monkey
08-12-2008, 03:21 PM
Hmm, I would recommend the ATI 4850 over the 9800GTX, to be honest. Performs better, is cheaper, and you can buy two of them for CrossFire.
Just make sure you get some aftermarket cooling as the stock fan is rubbish.
08-12-2008, 04:46 PM
this one?
It preforms better? I was looking at clock speed and memory clock which the 9800 GTX seems to have better
The Wise Monkey
08-12-2008, 05:04 PM
Like CPUs, clock speeds aren't the whole story when it comes to performance.
Here is a fairly comprehensive review and comparison:
08-12-2008, 06:42 PM
ok I think I understand now
this helped aswell
they are quite close
so after changes
video card:
Hard drive:
btw cheapest 4850 in my country is 250$ >_<
decided to buy the power supply in my country so I wont need to think about the plugin since European plugins are different :P will look into that soon
btw are there any requierments I have to have to get the rebate? it does not say anything, would suck if I'd order stuff with rebates then wouldnt get it when the stuff arives
newegg says it sends the stuff in 3 business days so I should expect the stuff in 3 days to get here, to florida?
08-13-2008, 12:55 AM
Any Edition extension on a video card generally means its been overclocked beyond its stock speed (overclock = model has been tweaked to run faster). E.g. the standard 9800GTX comes with a clock rate of 675MHz, while the XXX Edition comes overclocked at 740MHz from the box. You can also overclock your card as well if you learn how to.
Graphics cards are not entirely determined on performance by their specs. Some cards perform better than others on specific games so if you know what sort of games you'll be playing do a google search on those and find out what are the best cards for it. E.g. your XFX 9800GTX Black Edition runs company of heroes at 125 frames per second while the 9800 GX2 only runs at 80 frames per second, despite the fact that specs wise the gx2 fairs better (and is also more expensive).
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