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View Full Version : Any experience with this PSU?

08-07-2008, 09:20 AM
Hey guys-

I've just started buying parts, and when I woke up this morning I saw that Newegg has the E8400 and the Thermaltake W0106RU (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817153039) for $200, with free shipping. I've been planning on getting the Corsair 520HX, based off of great reviews and recommendations, but the CPU and PSU for $200 is really a pretty good deal.

Question is: does anyone have any experience with this PSU? Would you buy this PSU if it were you? I did notice that it doesn't have an 8-pin PCIe connector (not that I'm going to be needing it with the GPU I plan to buy), but would that hinder me when it came to GPU upgrading down the road?


08-07-2008, 08:03 PM
I own a Thermaltake Toughpower 750W PSU, and absolutely love it. Litterally silent, a good thing about a lot of the thermaltake PSUs is they have Active PFC to improve efficiency and quality of the product (while specs say its up to 85%, the actual efficiency is up to 87%). Cable management that comes with it is enough to account for a complete multi component computer setup as well. A slight disadvantage is that while the cabling is all modular all of them are also daisy chains, and there aren't any single cables, which adds to a little mess internally that will have to be dealt with. It also runs pretty cool too because of that 140mm fan.

With regards to your cpu and powersupply combos, its entirely up to you. These powersupplies have a fair few combos on newegg, so have a look around and do a bit of research before making up your decision.

A good combo as well with the fulltower Thermaltake Armor+ with the toughpower 650W if your interested.

But otherwise Corsair 520/620HX is generally a good way to go