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View Full Version : Hey, I'm new here!

08-01-2008, 12:57 PM
Greetings Rob!
First of all - thanks for hosting such an informative site.
My question is this - I've found a complete system for sale on Tigerdirect that has specs almost identical to what you recomend on your superpc.com site. Here is the item number and a link to the tigerdirect offer:
Item Number: I455-5150 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3956792&CatId=2629
The only major difference that I can see is the motherboard. What are the pros an cons between the two mb's (the one you recomend and the one that is offered for this deal)?
I really want to build my own pc but I also want a great system that I don't have to put any work into. (I'm afraid because I have little assembly experience)
Any input that you have to offer would be greatly appreciated.