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View Full Version : Buying parts for new build

04-11-2007, 11:56 AM
I have the case, the motherboard & cpu, cd-rw and floppy. My next item will be my hard drive. I'm looking at wd caviar se 250gb ata/100. My question is about cables and air flow. I have found 18"& 36" round IDE ATA 133/100 cables. Can I use these cables for my hard drive and my cd rom? If so which length would be best? I have to keep my cost low for now other wise I would go sata. But I am concerned about air flow using flat cables.
thanks Rick

04-11-2007, 05:55 PM
Flat cables are not a real problem for airflow as long as you run them out of the way. Some people use ties to help keep them to the side and bottom, but I just tuck them in wherever they'll tuck. They are plyable but tend to stay pretty much where you put them.

04-15-2007, 01:22 AM
Hey I got one quick question:

Why do you buy as you go?

Becuase saving up and then buying the thing at once has many advatages:

1. You can always update what you are going to buy as you save up

2. None of the warranties expire before finishing building the computer

3. You are less likely to lose a part between buying it and building the computer.

That's assuming that you are doing that and I assume that because of the way you wrote your post.