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View Full Version : MySuperPC Complete!

05-01-2008, 12:35 AM

I appreciate all the help you, ChunkyLover53 & Shyster gave me. I was finally able to get my PC together. It took a while but man was it worth it!:D

I finally figured out why my Sony DVD DRU840A kept spitting out the OS disk. I changed the white face to the black and the face was not seated correctly (Manufacturer defect on the plate molding; I had to use a small flat head to force a groove in the plastic). Everytime I turned the PC on it ejected the disk because the disk tray was not fully seated in its housing.

Take care,

Johnny Elvis

05-01-2008, 06:01 AM
It's my pleasure, Johnny. Congratulations on your new rig.

05-01-2008, 10:52 AM
Wow what a tiny and crappy thing to hold you back, but congrats on getting your computer up and running.