View Full Version : Keyboard/Mouse stopped working during first web connect
04-25-2008, 10:13 AM
I just built my PC and during the first boot + Vista 32bit install the USB keyboard/mouse worked fine. I plugged in the ethernet cord to an adjacent LAN port, selected Windows Update and clicked on Search for Updates. The process ran for about a minute, and then completed - "no updates could be found" and an error with a "get help" link (do not recall error #). I moved to select the get help link, but the mouse was unresponsive. At this point the numlock LED on the keyboard was still on. I tried moving mouse to other USB ports with no success. Rebooted, and the keyboard LED stayed off, so now neither the keyboard nor mouse work. I've found suggestions online referring to voltage configurations in the BIOS, but without a functioning keyboard I'm at a loss - I'd really appreciate input/ideas..
I've tried the following:
- using different combinations of 8 different USB ports (rear I/O, front panel, and additional USB panel plugged directly into USB port headers on mobo) with no success.
- plugging in another keyboard (PS/2 as opposed to USB) and the keyboard LED lit up, but wouldn't type.
- reboots and hail marys
PC Setup: Abit IP35 Pro LGA 775 Intel, E8400, EVGA 8800GT, 4GB RAM
04-25-2008, 10:59 AM
All I can do right now is ask questions that might lead to answers since I have no idea how to solve this as is. So here goes:
On reboot the computer loads up windows?
When computer is in boot up (before windows loads) do the lights come on for both keyboards or only the p/s2?
Have you tried booting the computer with no mouse or keyboard connected?
Have you tried ignoring that fact that your keyboard is broken and trying to enter bios anyways, by hitting the delete key?
When you were switching out the keyboards where you doing it between up and down time, or while the computer was active in windows?
What is this "reboots and hail marys?" I thought hail mary's were prayful attempts at something, that is using faith or prayer to get something to work rather than skill or knowledge.
Now I can explain my questions somewhat as to what I am looking for.
If both keyboards are recognized, it could be possible that the problem is a windows thing rather than a problem with your hardware. That would mean at the very least your keyboard should work for purposes of getting into bios.
Normally a computer will not boot up if it does not detect an active keyboard, unless you set this to disable in bios(default is stop on no keyboard).
If you have not you could always try switching out the keyboards while the computer is active in windows.
That is all I can for now, I am not really that knowledgable about this area, so if you can answer my questions maybe it will give me a tip, or someone else an idea.
The Wise Monkey
04-25-2008, 11:54 AM
Lol shyster, no need to be so harsh... XD
If you can get into the BIOS by trying to press the delete key, as shyster suggested, then it is definitely a Windows issue.
An alternative would be to try and boot from the Vista installation DVD again, see if your mouse/keyboard work then.
04-25-2008, 12:17 PM
On reboot the computer loads up Windows, and during boot up only the lights for the P/S2 components come on. When I rebooted with both a P/S2 keyboard and mouse connected, they worked. I successfully updated Windows as well, but there's still no sign of USB functionality.
I've tried switching keyboards during both active and down time, which didn't work (the lights on the USB keyboard/mouse haven't lit up in any instance). And I've tried entering the bios anyways, which didn't work, but I haven't tried booting with no mouse or keyboard connected, so I guess that's my next step?
Thanks for your help Wise Monkey, shyster.
04-25-2008, 02:03 PM
Wait a minute so you can use move around your computer with ps/2 connectors?
If that is so go into bios with them and see if your usb drives were turned off. As unlikely as it is to happen that sounds like it could be a solution.
04-25-2008, 02:10 PM
I looked through the BIOS but couldn't identify anything regarding the USB drives. I'm not saying it's not there, but I couldn't find anything explicitly referring to "USB." Would there be any other way of identifying it?
04-25-2008, 02:19 PM
Unfortunately I am at work right now and cannot look through my own bios to find out.
I am however almost positive that there is a screen somewhere in it to turn the USB drives on or off. It might even just be a single line mixed in with another page. Just try looking through each page in bios carefully and see if you can find anything like it.
The Wise Monkey
04-25-2008, 09:12 PM
Do your USB ports work for, say, a USB stick?
04-26-2008, 02:17 PM
A USB flash drive/stick, as well as a different USB optical mouse, lit up when plugged into the USB ports, but they were unresponsive and/or unrecognized. The keyboard did not light up, though it works when plugged into other systems. So as of now, I'm still operating on a P/S2 keyboard and mouse.
I found a "USB Functions" page in the bios (under Integrated Peripherals - On-Chip PCI device - USB Device Setting), and the following options were listed:
USB Functions [Enabled]
- USB 2.0 Operation Mode [High Speed] (vs Full/Low Speed)
- USB Keyboard Support Via [OS] (vs BIOS)
- USB Mouse Support Via [OS] (vs BIOS)
- USB Storage Function [Enabled]
I changed the keyboard setting to BIOS to see if it made a difference, and it did not. I also toggled the operation mode to Full/Low Speed and still nothing. Any ideas? Thanks again for all of your help.
The Wise Monkey
04-26-2008, 03:15 PM
It sounds like a Windows issue with USB drivers. Try running a repair of your installation. To do this, boot from the OS install disk and select Repair as an option.
04-27-2008, 12:04 PM
I booted to the Vista disc and selected Repair - I ran both a scan for startup errors (clear) and the Memory Diagnostic Tool - this told me I had a memory error and to contact my computer's manufacturer. I didn't give me any details. I built the PC, so I'm not sure where to go from here - contact Abit (mobo)? Corsair (RAM)? Microsoft? I'm not even sure if the "memory error" is what produced the sudden failure in my USB ports, but it's the only lead I have.
Is there an easy explanation for how this could be the case? To reiterate, the USB keyboard and mouse were working fine and then abruptly stopped during the Scanning for Updates process after my first boot in Vista, and I've had no USB functionality since.
The Wise Monkey
04-27-2008, 12:34 PM
A memory error wouldn't cause your USB drives to stop functioning, so you can rule that out. In addition, if there was a memory error, your computer would probably not start at all...
Did you actually complete the repair? Follow these instructions:
04-27-2008, 08:05 PM
I followed the instructions - Startup Repair couldn't locate any errors and System Restore didn't work either, even though my earliest restore point was most likely before the initial USB failure.
After seemingly exhausting all bios setting options/combinations, I decided to go ahead and start from scratch by reinstalling Vista. And that didn't work.
According to the Device Manager, every USB port (8) is functioning properly and doesn't recognize the connected devices.
(6) Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller
(2) Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller
Is there anything else I can try? Thanks a lot.
The Wise Monkey
04-28-2008, 03:44 AM
It sounds as if your motherboard is having problems, so you may need to RMA it and get a replacement. You've tried everything else so, unfortunately, this is the only option left.
04-28-2008, 07:30 AM
Yeah, I've pretty much resigned myself to sending in the motherboard. However, I saw this and I want to make sure it doesn't apply to my situation (?):
Because the USB keyboard and mouse "died" before I installed updates, the question would be whether or not the update was included in the build I received (I believe it came with SP1 pre-loaded).
The Wise Monkey
04-28-2008, 12:19 PM
That is a definite possibility - have a look through your installed updates, and see if you can remove it, although you might find it difficult with SP1 being pre-installed.
04-29-2008, 12:36 PM
Removing the installed update is a no-go. I called Microsoft tech support and when they realized I had this particular update (KB938371) installed, and that I had no restore points prior to the installation, they put me on hold for 10 minutes and then tried to pass it off as a hardware issue. They suggested I install XP - if the USB works, then the problem is Vista; if not, it's hardware.
I ran a quick disk-wipe (I tried to run the more thorough DBAN but it encountered "bad sectors"), and then installed XP - the USB ports show up as problem-free even though they don't work, just as they do in Vista, but when I plug in a USB device (mouse/stick/keyboard) it produces a "USB Device Not Recognized" error. I downloaded XP SP1 and an additional USB driver, to no avail. So although XP seems to acknowledge the devices where Vista did not, neither OS allows me to use the USB ports.
It may in fact be a hardware issue, but I still have this feeling Vista is to blame. Where should I go from here? I may return the mobo for a replacement just so I can rule out the possibility of a hardware defect. Thanks Wise Guy for sticking with me on this.
The Wise Monkey
04-29-2008, 03:09 PM
No problem, man, I just want it to be fixed for you. :)
One last thing you could try would be to re-do all of the USB connections to the motherboard. It is highly unlikely that a loose connection could cause the problem, but it is worth a try.
Since you have now tried with two different OSs, it is most likely a hardware problem. If re-saeting the USB connectors doesn't work, then you should probably RMA your board.
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