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03-17-2008, 01:42 AM
8800gts evga 320 superclocked problem.

I built my 1st pc according to the authors recommendations and it works splendidly! Way faster than my last 5 yo comp

asus m2n32sli deluxe wireless
2gb crucial ballistix pc 8500
wd 7500 caviar
AMD 6000 cpu
evga 8800gts 320mb superclocked.
Viewsonic 2235 22" monitor.

This place in CA is nice enough to include assembly for $10 U.S. They update the bios, and the memory and cpu. after adding an aftermarket zalman fan, the cpu temp appears to be in order.

I did start a small fire when I plugged in a 3.5" floppy drive though. Is it possible to plug that in backwards? The electrical cord started burning lick a firecracker fuse, and luckily I unplugged it before the wire burned up to the psu. antec sonata III. I got the fdd off an old computer in my side yard that had been rained on. I spent $5 and got a new FDD.

Anyway, the EVGA card when I play any video game, after about 1 hour appears to go buggey. It jerks erratically when I play any video game from a simple 80's retro game to need for speed.

My 1st windows xp installation did not go without problems. I downloaded the driver for the built in motherboard s/c and then the sound blaster gamer extreme card or whatever it is called. I finally reloaded windows. Used the xp utility to fdisk, format and partition my 750 gb wd caviar.

The utility that comes with the asus shows cpu temp. It appears to be ok, except when summer comes and it gets hot. Gpu temp is under 50c.

I am not sure where to go. After cutting off the FDD fried wire, I poached a new one off one of the old comps, and 2 wire nuts later, rewired it to I have a fdd. I have an sata hdd, and an old ide cd rom drive.

Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. I love this pc. I owe a debt of gratitude to the author of this web site. I built the comp for $1400 U.S. like 6 months ago. The prices have come down since then. I even added an aftermarket gpu cooler last week and a 2nd 120mm 2nd case cooling fan. If I would have listened to the authors' recommendations the $6 fan I bought had annoying loud bearings or sound problem. I bought a high quality 2nd case fan for like $16. I almost gave myself a stroke trying to get the screws into it. I ended up using 2 cable ties for the 2 screws I couldn't get in. You have to remove the sata hdd. I ended up cutting my knuckles to shreds.

03-17-2008, 11:01 AM
Aside from your initial title I could not get much from you in the way of questions. Of course I am still waking up and my mind is defrosting.

So with that being said I will answer, or attempt to, the question in your title. I do not know exactly what you mean by jerking, but my suggestion would be to tighten the screws holding it down. After that I would download rivatuner to see what it tells you is the actual temperature of your GPU.

As a final note I am not all that familiar with the issue, but it seems that the 320 and 640mb 8800gts series had some series problems in functionality, and you might want to research those and consider doing evga's step up program if that is who GPU you have.

Unfortunately that is all the help my brain can muster right now.

03-17-2008, 01:24 PM
The hardware and card i securely plugged in and retained with the small screw, and I plugged in the power cable to it.

When I am playing this race car game, for example the screen acts erratically. Like it moves really fast for a nanosecond then slows down again. It is difficult to explain. I will get the riva tuner. I had xp home for like 6 months, then did a reinstall like a week ago. Added the vga cooler card and extra 120mm case fan.

03-17-2008, 07:50 PM
I may have been half asleep when I posted my 1st message. What I meant to say was that by loading both the asus sound driver and sound blaster driver it appeared to have created a device driver conflict. The sb sound card kept shutting off unless I reloaded the driver.

Also I usb ports were stating this device can run faster if you have high speed ports. I fixed that problem by downloading IE 7.0 and going into the device manager in the control problem and letting windows find the right driver.

I did a system restore to fix the problem and resotored the pc to a point where I had not loaded the asus driver. That motherboard kit is great. I added the extra usb cable to obtain 2 extra usb ports. Plugging in all those little wires for the hdd led was a snap with that little template switch they included!

I bought an 750 gb Seagate external hdd to back up my files when I had to dump windows. It has the built in usb or e-sata port. I am still using the usb, but I have the connector to hook it up to e-sata. My brain is working at half capacity right now as I was laid off a month ago.

The vga temp needs monitored. I will download that riva tuner. I had that before from my 1st windows download or a similar program and it seems to me that it was telling me that my ram or memory voltage was too high and something else like the cpu volts.

I have used the overclocking utility on the xp gui interface that looks like a race car console. Overclocked to 110%, disabled it and so forth.

I will definitely use the riva tuner for reference only to check the gpu temp as I ended up superglueing the new gpu card to the cooler. The screws that came with the cooler didn't seem to be long enough. I ended up smearing a line of AS5 across the middle of the gpu, then crazy glueing the contact points on the gpu plate. Oops. The problem persisted with the stock gpu cooler as well. It seems unlikely that the problem could come from my joystick, as that is a pretty obvious, straightforward piece of hardware. The monitor is 5ms seek time so the monitor seems an unlikely culprit as well.
