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View Full Version : The shyster has set up shop

03-12-2008, 06:41 PM
Finally after much hardship, not really but it makes it sound more dramatic, my computer is up and running.

After ditching the P5KC and going over to the Abit IP35PRO everything was golden, at least as far as getting the computer to work.

From there I still had to fumble around setting up the network connections in bios, cause I am dumb.

It has been running for about a week and passed all the tests as far as I could tell, so now seemed like a good time to post it. I have found counting my chickens early leads to quite a few chickens missing.

Final Specs:

Case: Antec 900
PSU: Corsair 520HX
CPU: E8400
GPU: 8800GTS 512mb
Motherboard: Abit IP35Pro
Harddrive: WD caviar 750gb
Optical Drive: SAMSUNG Black 20X DVD
RAM: Cosair XMS2 2x2Gb

Thanks for all the help guys, especially Jaime, even if he did lead many of us to a faulty motherboard :p , Ricky who lead me to the correct motherboard :D , WiseMonkey, and Chunky. As well as Rob for publishing this site and allowing me to learn how to do this.

03-12-2008, 09:48 PM
Well done Shyster! Way to keep the faith after a couple of setbacks and finish strong!

03-13-2008, 07:15 PM
Congrats, Shyster. Feels good, doesn't it?:cool:

03-13-2008, 08:09 PM
Way to go. Glad everything finally worked out.

03-13-2008, 08:35 PM
Nice job Shyster. Sounds like a screaming system.

The Wise Monkey
03-14-2008, 08:27 AM
Glad you finally got it working, shame you had so much trouble with the Asus board.

03-15-2008, 08:04 PM
wooo. its abiout time shyster glad everything worked out for ya!! ;)

Jamie Nixx
03-16-2008, 01:00 PM
Nice, sorry you had so much trouble Shyster but glad its working now.

Btw, just bought two Asus P5KC's and two E8400's and they both worked flawlessly.


03-16-2008, 08:36 PM
Glad to here you have it up and running, I'm not sure what to say about the MBs mine was fine. :D

Jamie Nixx
03-17-2008, 07:41 AM
Thats ma girl, Min knows where her allegiances lie :D

03-17-2008, 11:05 AM
Pfff Jamie I think you just have extraordinarily good luck.

I was reading the Asus forums like crazy when I was trying to diagnose the problem with my motherboards, and it seems numerous people in europe are also having the same problems with the P5KC's.

Jamie Nixx
03-17-2008, 11:30 AM
Well i must not be one of these numerous people.

I doubt its luck either, considering that before yourself and Boba had problems i had recommened that motherboard to a lot of people.

I guess the UK is just far superior to the World :rolleyes: :D