View Full Version : CPU burning up

02-27-2008, 10:34 AM
I fired up (may not be a good choice of words) the computer this morning and installed all the drivers. I also installed the software from ASUS that came with the P5KC that monitors the system...as soon as I opened it up I got this fire alarm and it said my CPU temp was 249c, so I turned it off. The fan is moving, and so are the 4 fans on the case. Should I turn the fans on the case higher, I think they are on low.

Jamie Nixx
02-27-2008, 10:42 AM
If your CPU was that hot you would have to call the fire brigade.

Download a program called Core Temp.

Don't turn the fans up, turn them all down to low otherwise it will sound like an aero engine.

Before you do all of this, check your CPU fan is on properly.

02-27-2008, 10:47 AM
The only other thing I would suggest, just make sure that all of the locking "screws" are fully down and locked on your HSF. Just mentioning it because sometimes if they are not down completely they pop up or sometimes you might have thought you got them down but they might still be up a little.

Other than that though, many motherboard temps do seem to read incorrectly so try out Jamie's software.

On a final note, if you do not actually smell anything, it is probably not THAT serious... I know this from personal experience since my current computer actually does smell after 20-30 minutes.

Jamie Nixx
02-27-2008, 10:55 AM
If there was an alarm it means the CPU is overheating badly.

The Intel CPU fans are good but they have crap fixings, so you need to be firm when you push, don't worry about damaging your CPU, they can take a beating, just push down hard and also make sure the pins are turned in the right direction so that they lock underneath the motherboard.

02-27-2008, 12:49 PM

There is an excellent video tutorial on youtube covering how to install the Intel CPU cooler. I found the link in a posting from another group.


The section about installing the CPU cooler is about 4 minutes in. I found this very helpful in that it was difficult to get the fan seated properly and all 4 fasteners firmly connected. I believe that part of my problem was that I had too much thermal compound on the CPU heatsink and after smoothing/removing with the edge of a credit card, the CPU cooler went on easier and my temps dropped. I was not getting an alarm, my idle temp was about 48, which I thought was too high. Now it is 30, which is average good.

I think this link would be an excellent resource to add to a repository of such information, if there is a place to put it in this group.


02-27-2008, 01:10 PM
Sorry if this sounds stupid, but was that 249 degrees celcius or farenheight?

02-27-2008, 01:27 PM
I believe you are using the E8400 as you mentioned in another thread. Correct. I have two questions for those in the know.

1. With the e8400 is the fan that comes with it in the retail box the one that everyone is using? Or is there another one recommmended?

2. Take a look at the second review, Temperatures, Is this the way all work or is this only with the e8400. Can someone explain this more in depth.



02-27-2008, 01:58 PM
I'm looking to buy the e8440 today and checked around. Found this one real cheap.
I've been in their local store. Probably an OK place to buy.


Whoops, Sold out. Duh

02-27-2008, 02:04 PM
Ok I downloaded core temp and will now try to list all the info from both programs.

Core temp program
cpu id ox10676
apicid 0
revision co
processor intel core 2 duo e8400 (wolfdale)
frequency -3005.56mhz (333.95x9.o)
platform - LGA775
vid 1.0375v

cpu temp readings
tj.max -105C
core number 0 33C
core number 1 35C

PC Probe II
+3.3 3.33v
+5 5.02v
+12 12.10v
cpu 249C
MB 22C
cpu rpms 1730

Ok I hope this makes sence to some one, we don't smell anything. We have it still running and the temp that PC Probe is giving has not gone up or down, not by one point...nothing. We have checked all everything you all said and it on the MB tight and everything is facing the right way, the black tabs are all locked in place.

02-27-2008, 02:39 PM
The temperature sensing software attaches to a physical temperature sensor located somewhere, often directly under the CPU. It is possible that the PC Probe II software is connecting to the wrong sensor, or trying to connect to one that doesn't exist, or measures voltage not temp etc. 249 may be the maximum value which is defaulted to in the absence of real input. The numbers from Core temp look right on. Can you reboot, go into your MOBO bios, and check to see if it has a PC health menu. If it does, that should show you the CPU temp and that would probably be a reliable value (someone say so if I am wrong).

Are you still getting an alarm? This probably defaults to >60 or something like that. You could check the alarm setting in the MOBO bios while you are there.

02-27-2008, 03:28 PM
If I turn on PC Probe it still gives me the alarm. Core temp still tells me
core 0 is 33c
core 1 is 35c

I have had the computer running for 1 1/2 hours and loaded a game just to get it doing something and the temp has not changed at all.

I looked in the MB BIOS and there was no pc health. I went through every tab and everything in there and nothing.

02-27-2008, 03:49 PM
Was it a processor intense game like crysis, orange box, or Unreal tournament III, or was it a joke game like minesweeper, or solitare?

Just wondering because a small game should not affect the processor at all while a big game would.

02-27-2008, 03:55 PM
I am assuming that you are using an ASUS motherboard because PC Probe is ASUS software (I think), it that correct?

If the alarm is from the PC Probe software and not directly from the motherboard, I would worry less. Most bios setups have a built in alarm for an overheated CPU. This would be a beeping sound from the MOBO, often with a morse-code like pattern. The documentation for your MOBO should say something about alarm codes and what they mean. If you are not getting an alarm from your MOBO, I think it is unlikely that your CPU is overheating. Did you see an alarm temp setting when you were looking around the bios?

If you are still concerned, you might try some benchmarking software which puts your computer through performance tests and monitors things like CPU temp and weather or not the processor is making any errors. If your setup passes, you are probably fine. Prime95 is one such program, although I do this in Linux so I don't know much about Windows testing software.

Also, most software like PC Probe requires a driver to access the physical temperature probes. Check on the following website


Which might be able to tell you is you actually have the correct driver installed.


02-27-2008, 04:39 PM
medchemistMA: I will go check out that link, and the alarm is only from the software, I turned the software off and no alarm.

The computer has now been on for 2 1/2 hours and seems fine, no smell of a melt down and core temp is still 33-35

I will let you know what happens when I have time to play a game, I have been so wrapped up in this computer that my house now looks like the inside of my case.

Jamie Nixx
02-29-2008, 08:44 AM
Just keep your eyes, ears and nose open Min, those temps are way off.

02-29-2008, 08:11 PM
I still have not had time to play any games to test out core temp settings. It has been running fine, the only things I have done with it is try to move files from the old computer. It has been runnings for 7 hours today and core temp still says 33-35.

If the thing is going to melt down would it happen only if I'm in a game?

I deleated the copy of PC Probe that was on here and went to there site and got the latest version and it still did the same thing. I wonder if the software just does not read the wolfdale temp right.

I will try to game on it this weekend and see what happens, I will let you know.

Jamie Nixx
02-29-2008, 08:13 PM
33-35 is fine.

02-29-2008, 08:15 PM
Right now PC Probe is reading 21 deg and CoreTemp is reading 34 deg on my machine. I do not believe PC probe is accurate. Jamie?

Jamie Nixx
02-29-2008, 08:18 PM
What cooler are you using?

02-29-2008, 08:19 PM
Zalman 9700NT, Q6600, OC'd to 3.1Ghz

02-29-2008, 08:25 PM
I wonder if anyone else is having this happen. So do you guys think this thing is going to melt down, I don't even know what happens if you fry :eek: your cpu, I guess it smells.

02-29-2008, 08:28 PM
30's is fine. Start worrying when you are in the mid-high 50's.

02-29-2008, 08:49 PM
I keep core temp on all the time just so I can watch it and it never changes but like I said I have not put this puppy through its paces yet. I think its fine, if not I will have to replace it, I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I still can't get over the fact that I built it with the help of you guys and it works at all. Even my Husband stood back the first time I plugged it in!:) It's an awsome machine! Thanks Guys!

Jamie Nixx
02-29-2008, 09:55 PM
Theres no way PC Probe is accurate and i doubt Core Temp is either.

34 DegC for a Q6600 O/C to 3.1Ghz, your looking at 40 DegC minimum idle temps and thats with an even better cooler than you have.

And no worries Min, glad we could help :)

02-29-2008, 10:07 PM
Better cooler? :eek: My cooler is bad_ss, and don't you forget it!

First of all, if looks could kill, I wouldn't be typin you this note. :cool:

And cool? I have to break the icicles off the I/O panel every couple of hours. There's a freakin family of penguins in there, and the Dad just popped his head out and said, "Uh excuse me, but ccccould yyyou ttttturn the hhhheat up in here a little, mmmmmate?" :D

Jamie Nixx
02-29-2008, 10:51 PM
Excuse me :D

My coolers could put an end to global warming :p



And for the big daddy :D


Not forgetting my trusty AF7


03-01-2008, 08:20 PM
Play nice boys:p OK I just conducted a test. I loaded a very full city on simcity 4 with lights on in the city and never turned off the music I had playing on windows media player. I also had my useless security system running and I was watching core temp the whole time.
Idle temps...are always 33-35, core o is 33 and core 1 is 35. I am still trying to figure out why one core is 0 and they are not called core 1 and 2...ok I'm rambling again, my OCD is showing! While all this was running the core temps were jumping from 35-38, they never went above 38. It took me this long to even get to do this much as I have been installing things all day on this computer and taking them off the old one to make room for the Husbands programs. Ya that's right he gets the crap machine and get the beast!!:D
Oh and nice coolers Jamie, do they go in a case, they look huge.
And Chunky take good care of your penguins.

Jamie Nixx
03-01-2008, 11:15 PM
The 3rd one down is my Reserator aka Water Cooling (not mine but a picture of what it looks like) :cool:

The others are big but they fit quite nicely :D

Btw those temps are fine.