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View Full Version : I hate Asus (P5KC DOA again)

02-26-2008, 12:28 PM
So I got another DOA P5KC.

I am really not wanting to buy a crappy 775 slot chip just so that I can hopefully flash the bios.

I think this one is even more broken than the previous one, it does not even respond to a soft shutdown whereas the other one did.

Of course if anybody can think of a reason for this that maybe I messed something up please offer it and I will try it. Otherwise I am going to try newegg again and see if I can somehow get an exchange for a gigabyte or abit board.

The Wise Monkey
02-26-2008, 06:06 PM
This may seem like a strange question, but have you connected the wires up properly? I've been building computers for years, yet I still get the front panel wires the wrong way around... XD

Jamie Nixx
02-26-2008, 06:25 PM
You wouldn't need to Flash the BIOS, a P35 Chipset DOES NOT require a Flash to run the new CPU's.

This is getting pretty silly now, is it me or does American component companies love sending people faulty P5K-C's?

I have gone through four yes 4 builds this week alone for people with E8400's and the P5K-C, no problems whatsoever, no hitches.

I think companies like newegg need to fix up because this is getting beyond stuipid now, because sooner or later people are going to start looking to me and asking why i recommended boards that have major issues.

02-26-2008, 07:03 PM
They are connected properly Monkey I made sure by trying to swith them around and they do not work any other way. It turns on with the power button, but the soft power down and reset buttons did not work on this new board.

And yes Jamie my evil eye is glaring your way :p

But if you read the Asus forums it seems even some european people are having the same issues.

Jamie Nixx
02-26-2008, 08:37 PM

RMA the motherboard and switch it for the Gigabyte P35C.

02-27-2008, 01:18 AM
Yup that is the plan.

I got newegg to give me a full refund, even though it was only supposed to be a return for fix part. Damn I love newegg.

I was also looking at the Abit IP35, but it only supports 800 ram and no ddr3.

WiseMonkey recommends the Gigabyte and that is the main board he is using right now right? <--WiseMonkey you can also answer this question even though it was directed at Jamie

The Wise Monkey
02-27-2008, 04:32 AM
Yes, I have the Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R at the moment, and it is extremely good. I've had no issues with it whatsoever, and I'm running my E6750 at 3.2GHz on the stock voltage without any issues at all. :)

02-27-2008, 07:34 AM
The IP35 Pro accepts PC2 8000 ram, and DDR3. I've been very happy with it.

02-27-2008, 09:48 AM
Well I am trying to set up an E8400 which seems to be a focal point for issues with many boards.

Ricky is this the board you have:


Just wondering because it does not list ram speeds above 800 nor ddr3 compatibility.

02-27-2008, 01:17 PM
Yes that is the board I have. Sorry, but you're right, it doesn't accept DDR3, but DDR3 is still questionable at this point anyway considering the price.

It does accept PC2 8000 memory at 2.0 volts.

I'm currently running 4gb (2x2gb) of G.Skill SDRAM DDR2 1000 (PC2 8000) This is highly recommended on the Abit forums.

02-27-2008, 02:00 PM
So Ricky question on that, is 1000mhz ram the same as 1066 or are they acutally different? Just wondering because I thought 1066 ram was listed at PC 8500?

02-27-2008, 02:35 PM
PC2 8000 is 1000
PC2 8500 is 1066
PC2 8800 is 1100

02-27-2008, 03:47 PM
Alright Ricky I followed your advice and pulled the trigger. It is more expensive than the gigabyte and with less options, but it seems to have better reviews, and I hope I will not be upgrading anything on my computer too soon so that should not be an issue for the near future. It does have an MIR so it could be cheaper than the gigabyte that way and free shipping. Something in me is just resistant to paying shipping.

I hope you did not screw me like those brits :p

Just kidding Brits, you know I love you!

02-27-2008, 06:20 PM
I have a lot of confidence in Techreport.com. Here's their most recent Sweet Spot configuration for February 08

Here it is for December 07

And here it is for September 07

All of the Sweet Spot configurations use the Abit IP35 Pro as the motherboard of choice.

And here is their initial review of P35 motherboards where they picked IP35 Pro as their top choice.

And here is Abit's Forum Home. Great technical help and overall helpful suggestions.

You won't be disappointed. :)

03-14-2008, 06:54 AM
OMG shyster you must be one Asus loathing **something or other* now, did you get a dif board? im thinking of checking up my P5k-c to see what's wrong with it or i may just return it to EBUYER (they'll only replace or refund) if the mobo is faulty though, so that's why i want to be sure that it's broken first. I'm in the UK here so we might be getting the broken ones too.

heres my situation, very similar to yours was i believe
Recently Built a new system in my old Tsunami dream case.
-Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 Socket 775 (3.0GHz) 1333FSB 6MB L2
-ASUS P5KC AiLifestyle Series iP35 Socket 775 8 channel audio> ATX Motherboard
-OCZ 2GB Kit (2x1GB) DDR2 800MHz/PC2-6400 CL 4-4-4-15> PLATINUM XTC with LIFETIME WARRANTY
-ATI HD 3850 Pro 256MB GDDR3 Dual DVI TV Out PCI-E Graphics> Card
-OCZ StealthXStream 600W PSU - SLI Ready ATX2.2 12cm LED Fan

All in all the install went ok, managed to reinstall windows Xp pro.

audio wasn't working apart from in the supplied realtek HD suite software (where you can test audio with buzzing bee etc) so i was fussing with drivers trying to get it to work,
after much fiddling it still wasnt working and then i think on a restart the keyboard stopped responding ( i cant rememeber what it the computebr was asking it may have been about presaved profiles but it was on a startup type screen (DOS style) , so i unplugged the Kboard and replugged it in USB, but then i thought it only works PS/2 pre-load. so i restarted again and then the monitor showed no input.
I did move the case around with the monitor cable plgged in but it had never hurt before and i dont think it caused undue stress enough to cause it to break.

i tried checking the cables, resetting them, tried both outputs on the graphics card, and tried reseating the graphics card. it wont go in the other pci-e slot because of the way the case is.

and what's more my chasis (despite what the manual says) has no internal speaker connection. it has pwr&pwrLED Reset&resetLED, ChassisEntry<(which one would think needs an internal speaker, but no 4 pin speaker connector, so i cant Hear BIOS POST there is a top pannel with mic&earphone connectors that are all single pin

I have also tried resetting the CMOS via the motherboard manual, (unplugging power, removing battery, moving jumper pins then replacing jumper, then replacing battery, once for a few seconds and also tried again with 1 stick of ram in a new channel for nearly an hour)

No change, no input.

In the vga-dvi adapter the Dvi input seems to have 1PIN that is slightly more inset than all the other, but it seems far too minute to affect it.

Lots there but i'm pretty desperate for help

Also all fans are spinning Hdds make noise and the motherboard has solid green light just to make sure.

03-14-2008, 11:18 AM
As I understand it Europe and the UK are also getting those broken peices of crap that Asus calls the P5KC, if you just check asus forum under the p5kc you will see tons of people with problems all similar to this.

As for me I returned it, but the one I got back did not even get video once, it was totally DOA. So I called newegg, and they were nice enough to refund me, which allowed me to buy a completely new motherboard. I got the Abit IP35pro.

No solution was ever found as far as I know, some people suggest that flashing the bios fixes some issues, but that is damn hard to do without video output.

The problem does see to be localized in regards to the new intel chips the E8xxx series, but I have seen people with the old quads having the same problems also. So a possible fix if you feel like it is getting an old cheap 775 socket CPU and just sticking it in, sometimes that will get it running enough to allow you a bios flash.

Unfortunately other than that I do not have any advice to give you other than to suggest checking out the Asus forum and see if anybody has found a "cure."