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View Full Version : Why did my system die?

02-17-2008, 09:28 AM
I've had my PC for just over a week and it's been great. But Friday I reformatted the hard drive and re-installed Windows and Linux. I did this because I wanted to allocate my partitions more effectively. This worked great for one and a half days.

I tried booting up this morning and nothing worked. Linux stopped while trying to boot, and Windows wouldn't even try to boot. It gave me a blue screen and warned that there was a problem with my hard drive.. "one or more unrecoverable errors."

At first I thought I had a defective hard drive, but I re-formatted and reinstalled my OSs (I can do it in my sleep at this point), and all is fine now.

Any idea what could have caused this?

My only idea is maybe the subwoofer was too close to the PC. It's not magnetically shielded, and it warned not to keep it close to the monitor. This only makes a little sense, because my previous install worked fine for over a week, and might still be working fine if I hadn't decided to make those changes. I moved the subwoofer just to be safe.

Any thoughts?

The Wise Monkey
02-17-2008, 05:28 PM
The subwoofer would have done absolutely nothing, so its not that. Did you have a power cut or something like that? Could have caused an error on the disk which was fixed by the format.

02-17-2008, 05:51 PM
Power cut? Not sure. You mean a surge protector?

Sure, but I shut down the PC normally before cutting power. Besides, I wasn't even running Windows, and it got messed up too.

The Wise Monkey
02-18-2008, 07:49 AM
Hmmm... I'm stumped to be honest... :)

The best thing would be to wait for another week to see if you encounter any more problems. If you do, then you should probably get a new HD.