View Full Version : No video on p5kc part II
02-15-2008, 01:44 PM
So this is basically a repost of what I posted in Boba's thread.
My question since it never really got answered, is what would cause it to lose video? It worked on first boot, and then when I tried to boot it again after installing the hard drive and optical drive, it did not have video.
I have not really had time to do a proper follow up on it, meaning tearing it all out and putting it back together again, but I have done some basic testing, moving the ram around to the black instead of yellow, one ram instead of two, checked all the wire to make sure they were in.
I am just hoping someone could give me an idea.
Also I would like to know if Boba or Barrister cleared their CMOS because that is the only thing I could think that would cause this, at least in terms of something that was actually changed on my end.
I did read in the Asus forums that one or two people mentioned that with this board they were not getting video on start up, so they would have to keep powering up and down to get video. If that were the case would that be a bios issue or a motherboard failure issue? I would just like to know because if I can get video one out of every five tries, and then flash bios and fix it that way that would be good. If it is a sign of motherboard failure I will just RMA it.
Hopefully tonight I will have time to really work on it and I will gut it and rebuild it to see if that fixes it, but ideas are wanted and welcome since I am desperate and do not really want to wait on an RMA if I do not have to.
02-15-2008, 01:54 PM
All I can tell you is I did reset the CMOS, and that the board was just a lemon. I RMAd it, and the replacement board had video working immediately without a single hitch. But mine NEVER had video to begin with, and it sounds like yours did at first. Sorry I can't be more of a help.
02-15-2008, 02:07 PM
I ment on this most recent board that is working did you reset the CMOS? Sorry if that confused you. I am just trying to figure out why it would have video and then all of a sudden for no reason not.
02-15-2008, 03:22 PM
I ment on this most recent board that is working did you reset the CMOS? Sorry if that confused you. I am just trying to figure out why it would have video and then all of a sudden for no reason not.
I did eventually, but not until about the 4th or 5th time I booted it up. First boot was a perfect success without CMOS reset.
Jamie Nixx
02-15-2008, 03:25 PM
It could be a number of things, not enough power getting to the GPU, faulty monitor, faulty card, i doubt its the motherboard, these things can just happen, one minute it works fine, then next bang something has gone wrong.
Flashing the BIOS would not be a good idea.
What i would do personally before RMA'ing anything is a complete strip and rebuild, checking, double checking and triple checking every single connection.
This may seem tiresome but this is what builders have to do, when you pay a lot of money for a piece of crap from Dell this is what they are charging you for, making sure the computer is working flawlessly.
Do what i suggested, then take out the CMOS battery for a while and put it back in, still nothing, then move on to the next potential problem it could be.
02-15-2008, 05:04 PM
Yeah that was my plan tonight, to disassemble and then reassemble it. I already pulled out all the guts this morning before work in preparation for tonight.
I did however already clear the CMOS, that was the main question I was wondering if it could cause this issue.
Oh so I really need clarification on that "Flashing the BIOS would not be a good idea." How did you mean that? Did you mean do not try to flash the bios to fix this problem, which I could not do anyways without monitor output. Did you mean do not flash the bios as a general rule? Which seems counter-intuitive especially from all that I have read on the Asus forums about the trouble people have been having with this motherboard, and how flashing the bios does seem to fix some of the issues people are having.
I was just hoping there might be some other trick or issue that people knew of that might cause my problem.
Jamie Nixx
02-15-2008, 08:15 PM
You should not flash the BIOS ever really, for a start its dangerous and second on a P35 motherboard you should not have to, the P35 is a very upto date chipset and supports virtually every component straight out of the box.
Flashing can brick your motherboard thus rendering it completely and utterly useless.
Flashing the BIOS should really only be done on motherboards that are old and cannot support the hardware that it was intended to support, for example say a motherboard was released 2 years ago but it can still support the new CPU's that have just been released, that is cause for a Flash, the Asus P5KC supports everything out of the box, the BIOS is pretty up to date.
Google flashing the BIOS and research it for yourself, but i can tell you now with a fair amount of confidence you will not need to do it.
02-15-2008, 10:13 PM
Good explanation!
That being said I just rebuilt, unbuilt, and rebuilt my computer again making sure everything was connected and it is a no go.
I think that the chip that you suggest should only break on a bios flash, broke when I flipped the jumpers.
Because I noticed that I do not get any lights on the keyboard or any lights on the LCD mouse which suggests to me that the bios cannot even recognize the mouse port to know to power it.
If I am wrong correct me, but as it stands it seems that I will have to RMA this board after all. And if you correct me please give me some suggestions on possible fixes. This is of course a call to everybody and not just Jamie.
In regards to flashing the bios while I do not doubt what you say, because I have read some articles and they do mention it is dangerous and can cause a bad write to your motherboard chip. However if you take a look at the American Asus boards and do a search for the p5kc you will see numerous people who have problems similar to me, Boba, and Barrister. They also list numerous other problems with this board and many have reported the problems going away after a bios flash.
Jamie Nixx
02-16-2008, 07:36 AM
A successful BIOS flash i won't lie, can clear up many teething problems on a motherboard, but seeing as how you have not even booted into the BIOS yet, you cannot say whether you will experience those problems or not.
I can't think of anything else you have not already tried so maybe an RMA would be a good idea, but this is starting to get silly now, 3 people on the same website with the same motherboard with problems, there has to be a bad batch going around.
02-16-2008, 01:15 PM
Well Jamie that is the weird thing.
I DID get into bios on my first boot. Then I tried to move onto second boot and no video. Then I tried to downgrade back to first boot and no video. Then just last night I took it all apart and rebuilt it twice with no video.
The only thing I did do was that I flipped the jumper between the first successful boot and the attempt to reach second boot. That is why I was thinking that the jumper F'ed-up my motherboard chip. It just seems strange that, that should be possible though.
This was the main purpose of this post, because it worked once, it should work again. But since everything is tightened correctly as far as I can tell and everything is in place I do not know what the problem is.
hey don't know if you fixed ypour problem or returned your motherboard i think im having the same problem, no input on monitor after working fine for a while and resarting, i cant check bios etc, (no beeper either so that doesnt help) any reply would be great shyster or anyone else who had this problem
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