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View Full Version : my final specs

02-10-2008, 12:34 PM
Ok, I think I have finalized everything. I have decided to go with the gigabyte p35, not the pk5c due to the fact of the people having trouble with them. Since it is my first build i am not too terribly worried about maximizing upgrade ability. I would like to avoid problems on my first build. Here is the list. I would appreciate any final comments.













As a final thought, here's what i will be upgrading from. It will barelyplay counterstrike source.

P4 2.54
512 pc2700 ddr
ati 9500 128mb
60 gig hd

Should see a bit of a difference, yes?

02-10-2008, 01:45 PM
Looks good as far as I can see, but I am not an expert,

I would suggest that you can find a cheaper processor of the same kind if you look around a little. I dunno if ten dollars or so is worth it too you.

Secondly I am jealous of your graphics card, I ordered the exact same one, only it did not come with crysis.

Lastly, I am not totally sure I understand what you are saying about the windows install, but basically you want to use the dell reinstall on your new computer right?

More than likely it will not work, since I believe they are registered to the dell hardware, specifically the dell motherboard that is in your old case. Jamie has suggested that you can call microsoft support and say your computer was damaged and you had to get a new type of motherboard. This apparently works for him, but I believe that he usually does it from a normal OEM install disk not a company (dell, HP, compaq) restore install disk.

For the second part of the question, if I understand it correctly, you want to use the dell disk to load XP on, and then use an OEM XP upgrade disk to install over the dell install?

If that was your question I have no idea on whether that will work on not, I know the Vista upgrade disk had a workaround built into it, that allowed you to do a full install with only the upgrade disk. I do not know if it still works, since the article was posted about a year ago.

Finally congratulations, on decided to build a computer.

02-10-2008, 01:57 PM
I am not really sure what i mean with the XP question...:D
All i know is i dont want shell out the extra monies for it.


02-10-2008, 02:17 PM
If you do not want to pay you can always go linux.

Other than that if you actually want a windows based system you might need to shell out the cash, however I do not know everything, so I am sure some other people here might have advice that could help you better.

The Wise Monkey
02-10-2008, 05:48 PM
shyster, there is no need for you to be so self-deprecating - both you and chunkylover give great advice. :)

What was the question? You edited your post... :/

02-10-2008, 05:55 PM
basically im going to try to use an old Dell XP reinstallation disk to install XP on the new computer.

if i were to buy the cheap XP upgrade version
i would need to have an older version ofwindows (98 or 2000) installed on the new rig in order to use it correct?


Jamie Nixx
02-10-2008, 05:57 PM
Why not just buy a full install disk for $90?


The Wise Monkey
02-10-2008, 06:02 PM
The problem with using manufacturers disks is that they don't actually contain an XP installation. What they have is a pre-built image of a HD which is then put onto a CD.

Think of it this way:
1. The manufacturer installs XP on a computer, sets up all their own programs and adds all their own drivers
2. Then, they run some software which takes an image of the HD - basically, a big copy and paste job, but with all the settings included as well.
3. This image is then compressed, and put onto a CD, which is given to the customer
4. When you want to "re-install" XP, this image is extracted onto your HD, and everything should work.

This approach means that its not a true XP install, unfortunately, so you probably won't be able to buy the upgrade version. Unless you can find a cheap copy of 98 somewhere. :)

02-10-2008, 06:05 PM
It seems like I have to pay Mr. Gates an extra $100 :(

So, I'll add the full version to the list.

Everything else looks ok tho, yes?

I am tired of looking and am ready to pull the trigger, so to speak.


02-10-2008, 08:38 PM
The other problem with using a manufacturer's install disk, if you get it to work, is that you get all the added programs, shareware, trials, etc. that came with it.


02-10-2008, 09:12 PM
It is not so much that I am trying to be self-deprecating Wise Monkey, it is more like a warning to anybody who might take my advice that I am not actually a professional or even that skilled at this. For the most part I am reciting knowledge you and Jamie have passed on either to me, or to other that I have read.

Basically I would just hate to un-mistakenly give someone advice I believe to be correct, have them follow it, and then have it turn out that, that advice was seriously flawed.

But thanks for the vote of confidence.

Jamie Nixx
02-11-2008, 05:19 AM
Yeah i can add a second vote of confidence, you give great advice Shyster :)

02-11-2008, 07:13 AM
Hey Shyster. I can count on one finger the number of computers I've built from the ground up. I've replaced a lot a ram, and video cards, and power supplies, and I've monkeyed around with a lot of software. (Sorry if I offended you there WM)

Everything else I know is from what I've read. I have to admit that I read every post on about 5 different forums every day. So I've gained a lot of knowledge over the past few years doing that. I guess I'm a Forum Troll. lol

The Wise Monkey
02-11-2008, 08:51 AM
Hey Shyster. I can count on one finger the number of computers I've built from the ground up. I've replaced a lot a ram, and video cards, and power supplies, and I've monkeyed around with a lot of software. (Sorry if I offended you there WM)l

Hehehehe :D

02-12-2008, 12:14 AM
Yea so these specs look good then, yes? Darn e8400 is sold out all over the place.
