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View Full Version : First build--cpu cooler installation question

01-25-2008, 05:36 PM
I'm reading all my manuals and examining all the parts. I was just perusing the manual to my Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 (S.O.B. is HUGE!) and it says in a standard ATX case it should be installed so that the heat blows to the back of the case. I'm using an Antec 900 case. Is this the correct heat direction for that case? Thanks, and wish me luck.

Jamie Nixx
01-25-2008, 05:44 PM
The fan should be facing right, as if you were looking straight on from the side of the case.

01-25-2008, 05:45 PM
I'm reading all my manuals and examining all the parts. I was just perusing the manual to my Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 (S.O.B. is HUGE!) and it says in a standard ATX case it should be installed so that the heat blows to the back of the case. I'm using an Antec 900 case. Is this the correct heat direction for that case? Thanks, and wish me luck.

I step away when it comes to masters like the admins on this site, but I can relate to experience on this one.

Antec 900 has that huge 200mm fan on top, I installed an ASUS silent square pointing the heat fan straight up through that 200mm fan.

Afterall, heat rises.

Jamie Nixx
01-25-2008, 05:46 PM
Like this


01-25-2008, 06:04 PM
So I should have it blowing toward the FRONT of my case, not the back as the manual recommends? Also, before I royally screw anything up, is the Freezer 7 Pro even compatible with my 45nm E8400 processor? Am I better off just playing it safe and using the cooler that came with it? (I am planning to overclock the cpu.)

This is the part of the whole setup that terrifies me--I'm so afraid of damaging my processor!

Jamie Nixx
01-25-2008, 06:25 PM
The CPU fan blows towards the back of the case, you see the blue fan? that is the exhaust fan.

You shouldn't be terrifed of damaging your CPU, they are the hardiest component, i have dropped loads of them before, yet to have one fail on me.

And yes of course the cooler will work with the E8400 :rolleyes:

Thats one of my very own setups in that picture, i think i know how they work ;)

Look at my picture (that is an Antec 900 btw) and install your fan EXACTLY the way you see it in my picture,

01-25-2008, 07:58 PM
Tell me that's not SLI/Crossfire in that picture Jamie. :eek:

01-25-2008, 09:46 PM
OK, I attached the cooler, but it doesn't "feel" like it's actually on. I followed the (poorly written) directions, and aligned the 4 plastic fasteners in their original positions by turning the heads clockwise. I then placed the cooler on top of the cpu and pressed firmly down on the opposite diagonal corners. One corner has popped up a few times. I thought maybe after the 4 pegs were in place and the black heads were pushed down I was supposed to turn them counterclockwise to lock them in place, but there is no mention of that in the directions or the diagram. It seems as though once I put this motherboard vertically in the case, the cooler would just fall off.

The pegs also appear to all be angled in toward the center:


Crappy directions:

01-25-2008, 10:37 PM
Do not turn the clip after you press it down. Make sure that each clip is in the direction shown in Step 6 and firmly press down until it clicks. I followed this and it worked the first time.

If you are doing this on a flat surface, you may have to raise the board a little off the table as you press the clips to allow them to push through and fully engage the MB.

01-26-2008, 06:53 AM
Thanks JasonG, that was my problem!:)