View Full Version : Uograde 32-bit XP to 64-bit Vista?
01-19-2008, 07:11 AM
When I build my system, I'm planning to install the version of XP Home Edition I already own. Somewhere down the line, I'm planning to upgrade to Vista. I'd like to use Vista 64, but from what I've read, MS won't allow users to upgrade 32-bit XP to Vista 64. Does this mean I have to pay for the full version rather than the more affordable upgrade version (or settle for 32-bit Vista)? That's pretty lame (but then, it is Microsoft).
The Wise Monkey
01-19-2008, 07:20 AM
I'm pretty sure you can use the upgrade version to do a clean install:
01-23-2008, 06:22 PM
Just a question on this, it seems like a great trick, and an even better way to save money. I did notice however that this article is about a year old... so my question, does it still work?
It was mentioned in the article that this could possbily be taken out when the first service pack came out, or just in the second mass printing of dvds.
Any feedback at all is appreciated, but especially from those who might have used this trick. Also the author mentioned their could possibly be complications with applications or the system itself because of the work around install. If you did install this way have you noticed any?
The Wise Monkey
01-24-2008, 07:29 AM
To be honest, you are much better off doing a clean installing of Vista. Having gone from XP to Vista via an upgrade, I can testify that it is a pain in the ass - some software wasn't compatible, I couldn't uninstall some sofware because it complained about the version of windows, and various other driver conflicts. I got fed up with this and did a fresh install instead, and I immediately noticed the difference - my computer is much faster, all the drivers work well, all the software works well. I would definitely recommend doing a clean install as opposed to an upgrade.
01-24-2008, 12:43 PM
Not to agitate you or anything, but while you did not actually say yes or no, I can deduce that this trick still works since you were trying upgrade from XP originally. Would that be a fair deduction?
And in regards to me I would be putting it on a new computer anyways so clean install from a full install disk, or clean install from an upgrade disk would be the main question for me.
By the way I am a noob both at computer building and loading on an OS's software, so please be gentle or understanding if my questions seem dumb.
The Wise Monkey
01-24-2008, 03:39 PM
No, its OK. I went from XP 32-bit to Vista 32-bit using a full install CD, so I don't really know if the trick still works. I think that you can install Vista as a 30-day trial (don't enter your product key during installation) using the upgrade version, then "upgrade" from Vista to Vista, using your product key, and it will work OK. I'm not sure though... :)
04-04-2008, 11:54 PM
I'd say get the Vista 64 OEM for the new rig. Your hard drives have to be totaly clean if you're reusing them. Important****** Only hook up the hard drive you want the OS to load on, and don't hook up any USB devices. Just the basics you need, then add the other stuff after the install. It will save you alot of headaches!!!
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