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View Full Version : Vista Home Premium (System Builders?)

01-09-2008, 12:44 AM
I am going to purchase Vista Home Premium, but when looking on Newegg I see two different types.

1. Microsoft Windows Vista 32-Bit Home Premium for System Builders Single Pack DVD - OEM $110

2. Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium DVD - Retail $219

Well I am building my system, so should I go with the first one, it is half the price.

What's the difference between these OS and which one should I choose.

Thanks alot.

Crisis Core 2.0
01-12-2008, 09:49 AM
OEM is for system builders, such as yourself. When you build your computer, you use a vast variety of parts to do so. However, when you buy a computer from Best Buy [which alot of people still do] or what have you, Microsoft issues an OEM to that specific batch of systems, which is how the mfr's. can supply the OS many times.

However, when they go to upgrade their OS some time later, they cannot use OEM because it's a registered build with microsoft, and alas they need to buy the Retail version.

Just another way of microsoft squeezing money out of the consumer. That's all.